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백호가인삼탕(白虎加人蔘湯)으로 호전된 브레인 포그(Brain fog) 1례 임상보고
Case Report : Brain Fog Treated by Bekhogainsam-tang 원문보기

대한상한금궤의학회지 = The Journal of Korean Medical Association of Clinical Sanghan-Geumgwe, v.12 no.1, 2020년, pp.101 - 112  

조성환 (경희서울한의원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: This study aimed to report the effect of Baekhogainsam-tang on brain fog. Methods: A 59-year-old female patient complained of brain fog and waking up frequently during the night. Based on the Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system, the patient was treated with Baekho...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (16)

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  4. Handono K, Mirza ZP, Ernes M, Eden SW, Pratista AK, Kusworini H. Accelerated immune aging was correlated with lupus-associated brain fog in reproductive-age systemic lupus erythematosus patients. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases ; 2020. (23) ; 5 : 620-6. 

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  6. Lee SJ, Lim JE. A diagnostic system and clinical application based on six meridian patterns and provisions. Seoul : KMediACs publishing house. 2013. 

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  11. Lee SJ, Kim NG. A Case report of psoriasis treated by baekhogainsam-tang. The Journal of KMediACS. 2015 ; 7(1) : 21-7. 

  12. Hwangbo M, Jeong MJ, Seo HS. A case report of child with alopecia areata. Journal of Korean Oriental Pediatrics. 2012 ; 26(2) : 47-52. 

  13. Park SG, Jo EH, Choi HG, Hong JE, Park MC. Clinical differences between baekho-tang and baekhogainsam-tang through skin disease case. Korean Journal of Oriental Medical Prescription. 2019 ; 27(2) : 179-87. 

  14. Kim JW, Jeong SH, Jeong SH, Shin GC, Lee WC. Oriental treated one case of hydrodipsomania in elderly diabetic patient with backhogainsam-tang. Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine. 2003 ; 4(1) : 79-84. 

  15. Park JK. A case report: the effect of baekhogainsam-tang on hypersomnolence. The Journal of KMediACS. 2019 ; 11(1) : 63-71. 

  16. Yoon HJ, Lee SI, Byun SH. 2 Cases of baekhogainsam-tang treatment on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children. The Journal of KMediACS. 2019 ; 11(1) : 11-26. 

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