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Overcoming Stress: A Phenomenological Study of Field Missionaries Rescuing North Korean Defectors 원문보기

The International journal of advanced culture technology, v.8 no.3, 2020년, pp.73 - 83  

Choi, Hyang (Dept. of Doctor of Education, Sunchon National University) ,  Kim, Hyun Jin (Counseling Psychology, Kwangshin University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the stress and experience of overcoming stress by on-site missionaries who rescue North Korean defectors was investigated in depth through a phenomenological approach. To this end, 7 missionaries with more than 5 years of experience in North Korean missionary mission were selected, an...


표/그림 (3)

참고문헌 (13)

  1. G. C. Kim, "A Study on North Korean Defectors Adaptations to Local Community-Focusing on North Korean women", Korean Journal of Qualitative Research in Social Welfare 9(1), Korean Academy of Qualitative Research in Social Welfare, 2015. 

  2. S. J. Oh, C.S. Kim and M.S. Shin "Human behavior and psychology", Seoul, Hakjisa, 2015. 

  3. E. J. Chang, "A Study on Perceived Stress in Children of Missionary Parents - Focusing on the Children of Missionaries in the Middle East Area", Korean Journal of Child Education and Care 6(2), Korean Society for Study of Child Education and Care, 2006. 

  4. Hans Selye, 1907.1.26-1982.10.16, "The Stress of Life", Canada, Montreal, 1956. 

  5. E. M. Kim, "Missionary's Stress and Solutions", HAPSHIN THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 22(2), Hapshin Theological Seminary Press, 2004. 

  6. Y. M. Choi, J. H. Ji, J.M Park, H.J. Shin, and Y.S Kang co-authors, "Menbung Escape Stress Management", Seoul, Hakjisa, 2013. 

  7. J. H. Ryu, "The latest mental health theory", Seoul Cheongmok Publishing House. 2004. 

  8. Giorgi, A, "Phenomenological and Psycholgical Reserch Pittsburgh", PA: Duquesne. Univ press. 1984. 

  9. E. M. Jeong, "A Phenomenological Study of Being Alone of the Single-parent Widowed Men", Pusan Kyungsung University Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation, 2016. 

  10. D. W. Jeong, "A Qualitative Research on Trainees' Experiences During Their First Training in Guided Imagery and Music", Jeonju University Graduate School Arts and Psychology Therapy Master's Thesis, 2016. 

  11. S. Y. Kim, S. Y. Lim, H. M. Choi, "The Relationship among Stress in Clinical Practice, Depression and Self-Esteem in Nursing College Students", The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology (JCCT) Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.59-64, http://dx.doi.org/10.17703/jcct.2015.1.4.59 

  12. Rosenzweig, M. and K. Wolpin (1980). "Life-Cycle Labor Supply and Fertility: Causal Inferences from Household Models", The Journal of Plitical Economy, 88(2), 328-48. 

  13. J. A. Kim, "The Experience of Stress in Female College Students", International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology Vol.7 No.1 35-42, Chodang University, Nursing Department, 2019. DOI: 10.17703/IJACT.2019.7.1.35 

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