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Microstructural characterization of accident tolerant fuel cladding with Cr-Al alloy coating layer after oxidation at 1200 ℃ in a steam environment 원문보기

Nuclear engineering and technology : an international journal of the Korean Nuclear Society, v.52 no.10, 2020년, pp.2299 - 2305  

Park, Dong Jun (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ,  Jung, Yang Il (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ,  Park, Jung Hwan (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ,  Lee, Young Ho (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ,  Choi, Byoung Kwon (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ,  Kim, Hyun Gil (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Zr alloy specimens were coated with Cr-Al alloy to enhance their resistance to oxidation. The coated samples were oxidized at 1200 ℃ in a steam environment for 300 s and showed extremely low oxidation when compared to uncoated Zr alloy specimens. The microstructure and elemental distribution ...


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제안 방법

  • Therefore, the XPS analysis results represent elemental characteristics of a very thin section of the surface and cannot be considered to represent the characteristics of the overall oxide layer. For microstructural characterization of a more representative oxide layer formed on the Cr-Al alloy layer, the cross-sectional area near the surface region containing the entire oxide layer was characterized by STEM. Fig.
  • In this study, we used a Cr-10 wt% Al alloy to coat the Zr-based alloy to improve its temperature resistance during LOCA scenarios. Zr-based alloy samples coated with a Cr-Al layer were exposed to a temperature of 1200 ℃ in a steam environment.
  • Uncoated Zr-based alloy was also exposed to the same test conditions to compare the efficacy of the coating layer. The microstructure and elemental distribution of the oxides formed on the surface of the Cr-Al alloy, the Cr-Al alloy matrix, and the interfacial region between the coated Cr-Al alloy and Zr-based alloy were analyzed in detail, using field emission transmission electron microscopy (FETEM). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was also used to confirm the exact elemental composition, chemical state, and electronic state of the elements in the oxides formed on the Cr-Al alloy.

대상 데이터

  • The arc current and the substrate bias voltage during the Cr-Al alloy layer deposition were 80 A and -200 V, respectively. High purity Ar gas (99.999%) was introduced into the deposition chamber to maintain the working pressure at 20 mTorr. The pressure of the Ar gas at the inlet was kept at 1 × 10-2 Torr during the deposition phase.
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참고문헌 (26)

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