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지하공간건설정보모델링(GeoBIM) 기반의 디지털 트윈 구축사례에 관한 연구 - 제주도 재암천굴, 정구수굴 사례를 중심으로 -
A case study of digital twin construction based on geospatial building information modeling (GeoBIM) - Focusing on the case of Jaeamcheon-gul and Jeonggusu-gul in Jeju Island - 원문보기

Journal of KIBIM = 한국BIM학회논문집, v.11 no.4, 2021년, pp.20 - 30  

이종현 (한국건설기술연구원) ,  안준상 ((주)베이시스소프트) ,  최재웅 ((주)베이시스소프트) ,  백용 (한국건설기술연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, smart construction is actively researched, in the domestic construction field, and one of the key elements in this field is Building Information Modeling(BIM). In Korea, smart construction is being implemented through BIM-based digitization and intelligen...


표/그림 (26)

참고문헌 (19)

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  2. Beaufils, M., Grellet, S., Le Hello, B., Lorentz, J., Beaudouin, M., Moreno, J. C. (2019). Geotechnical data standardization and management to support BIM for underground infrastructures and tunnels. In Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, CRC Press, pp. 655-664. 

  3. Bentley Systems. (2021), ContextCapture Connect Edition User Guide, Exton, Pennsylvania, USA. 

  4. Chandler, R. J., McGregor, I. D., Morin, G. R. (2012). The role of geotechnical data in Building Information Modelling. In Proceedings of the 11th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics (ANZ 2012), 15, p. 18. 

  5. De Laat, R., Van Berlo, L. (2011). Integration of BIM and GIS: The development of the CityGML GeoBIM extension. In Advances in 3D geo-information sciences. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 211-225. 

  6. Hwang, J. R., Kang, T. W., Hong, C. H. (2012). A study on the correlation analysis between IFC and CityGML for efficient utilization of construction data and GIS data. Spatial Information Research, 20(5), pp. 49-56. 

  7. Kang, T. (2018). Development of a conceptual mapping standard to link building and geospatial information. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(5), p. 162. (online published) (https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/7/5/162) 

  8. Lee, J. H., Jin, H. S., An, J. S., Baek, Y. (2021). Numerical Analysis Study for Behavioral Characteristics Analysis of Jeju Natural Caves (Jaeamcheon Lava Tube) That Intersect with Roads. The Journal of Engineeing Geology, 31(3), pp. 367-380. 

  9. MOLIT. (2021). BIM-based construction industry digital transformation roadmap. In, eds. Ministry Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, pp. 1-20. 

  10. Noardo, F., Biljecki, F., Agugiaro, G., Arroyo Ohori, K., Ellul, C., Harrie, L., Stoter, J. (2019). GeoBIM benchmark 2019: Intermediate results. In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences-ISPRS Archives. 42(4), pp. 47-52. 

  11. Noardo, F., Ellul, C., Harrie, L., Overland, I., Shariat, M., Arroyo Ohori, K., Stoter, J. (2020). Opportunities and challenges for GeoBIM in Europe: developing a building permits use-case to raise awareness and examine technical interoperability challenges. Journal of Spatial Science, 65(2), pp. 209-233. 

  12. Obergriesser, M., Borrmann, A. (2012). Infrastructural BIM standards-Development of an Information Delivery Manual for the geotechnical infrastructural design and analysis process. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, pp. 581-587. 

  13. Rafiee, A., Dias, E., Fruijtier, S., Scholten, H. (2014). From BIM to geo-analysis: view coverage and shadow analysis by BIM/GIS integration. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 22, pp. 397-402. 

  14. Seequent Limited. (2019), Leapfrog Works Fundamentals For Leapfrog Works version 3.0. User Manual, Christchurch, New Zealand. 

  15. Svensson, M., Friberg, O. (2017). GeoBIM-a tool for optimal geotechnical design. In Proc. of the 19th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 4, pp. 1781-1784. 

  16. Tawelian, L. R., Mickovski, S. B. (2016). The implementation of geotechnical data into the BIM process. Procedia Engineering, 143, pp. 734-741. 

  17. Zhang, J., Wu, C., Wang, Y., Ma, Y., Wu, Y., Mao, X. (2018). The BIM-enabled geotechnical information management of a construction project. Computing, 100(1), pp. 47-63. 

  18. Zobl, F., Chmelina, K., Faber, R., Kooijman, J., Marschallinger, R., Stoter, J. (2011). Multidimensional aspects of GeoBIM data: new standards needed. In Mathematical Geosciences at the Crossroads of Theory and Practice, Proceedings of the IAMG2011 conference. pp. 1-14. 

  19. Zobl, F., Marschallinger, R. (2008). Subsurface geobuilding information modelling GeoBIM. GEOinformatics, 8(11), pp. 40-43. 

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