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[국내논문] 전계효과트랜지스터 기반 반도체 소자 응용을 위한 스프레이 공정을 이용한 nc-ZnO/ZnO 박막 제작 및 특성 분석
Morphological and Electrical Characteristics of nc-ZnO/ZnO Thin Films Fabricated by Spray-pyrolysis for Field-effect Transistor Application 원문보기

반도체디스플레이기술학회지 = Journal of the semiconductor & display technology, v.20 no.4, 2021년, pp.1 - 5  

조준희 (상명대학교 전자공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Field-effect transistors based on solution-processed metal oxide semiconductors has attracted huge attention due to their intrinsic characteristics of optical and electrical characteristics with benefits of simple and low-cost process. Especially, spray-pyrolysis has shown excellent device performan...


참고문헌 (15)

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  13. D. Yoo, H. Kim, J. Kim and J. Jo, "Current Variation in ZnO Thin-Film Transistor under Different Annealing Conditions," Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.63-66, 2014. 

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