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[국내논문] 국내 한의사의 팔강변증에 관한 인식 및 활용현황 조사
An On-line Survey on the Perception and Usage of Korean Medicine Doctors about Pattern Identification of Eight Principles 원문보기

동의생리병리학회지 = Journal of physiology & pathology in Korean Medicine, v.35 no.6, 2021년, pp.211 - 218  

배정현 (동의대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 병리학교실) ,  박신형 (동의대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 병리학교실) ,  이인선 (동의대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 부인과학교실) ,  김종원 (동의대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 사상체질의학교실) ,  전수형 (동의대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 사상체질의학교실) ,  강창완 (동의대학교 생산정보기술공학) ,  지규용 (동의대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 병리학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order to increase the clinical value of an identification of patterns according to the eight principles (IPEP) in Korean medicine practice, The research on the Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) of IPEP should comprehend the situation of clinical usage of IPEP practiced by Korean medicine doctors ...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Textbook editing Committee of Korean medicine pathology, Pathology of Korean Medicine, Hanyi Publishing Co. 2007:295-6. 

  2. Chi GY, Lee IS, Jeon SH, Kim JW. Proposal of Form-Color-Pulse-Symptom Diagnostic System for Enhancement of Diagnostic Rate of 8 Principle Pattern Identification - Focusing on Cold Heat Pattern Identification, J Physiol & Pathol Korean Med 2019;33(3):163-8. 

  3. Lee YM. Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine. Journal of the Korean Vascular Surgery Society 2003;19(2):212-9. 

  4. Kim JH. A Comparative Research of Eight Principle Pattern Identification based on Zhang Jie-Bin, Cheng Guo-Peng, and Jiang Han-Tun. J Korean Med Classics. 2013;26(2):47-59. 

  5. Kwon OS, Kim JE, Lee JW, Seo CH,Han HY, Hong SH. Analytic Study of Diagnostic Validity by the Measure of Cold-Heat & Deficiency-Excess for Oriental Medical Examination. J Physiol & Pathol Korean Med 2009;23(1):180-5. 

  6. Cho HS, Bae KM. Research In Developing of Diagnosis Questionnaires on Cold, Heat, Deficiency and Excess. J Physiol & Pathol Korean Med 2009;23(2):288-93. 

  7. Ryu HH, Lee HJ, Jang ES, Choi SM, Lee SG, Lee SW. Study on Development of Cold-Heat Pattern Questionnaire. J Physiol & Pathol Korean Med 2008;22(6):1410-5. 

  8. Bae GH, Jang ES, Park GH, Lee YS. Development on the Questionnaire of Cold-Heat Pattern Identification Based on Usual Symptoms: Reliability and validation Study. J Physiol & Pathol Korean Med 2018;32(5):341-6. 

  9. Baek YH, Jang KS, Kim Y, Jang ES. Evaluation of Validity of Deficiency and Excess Pattern Identification Questionnaire. J Physiol & Pathol Korean Med 2020;34(3):142-8. 

  10. Xue FF, Studies of source of differentiation of the eight principles, Journal of Datong Medical College, 2005;25(2):13-4. 

  11. Lee BK, Park YB, Kim TH, Medical Diagnostics of Korean medicine II, Sungbo Co., 2004:11-40. 

  12. Xiong W, Cheng SM, Peng JC, Shen PY, A search for pattern identification of eight principles (Bagangbianzhengtansuo), Jiangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2017;48(410):10-1. 

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