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RPA 주제별 국내 동향연구 -유통업무 적용사례를 중심으로-
A Study on the Trends of RPA Subjects in Korea -Focusing on cases of application of distribution business- 원문보기

Industry promotion research = 산업진흥연구, v.6 no.2, 2021년, pp.21 - 35  

이호 ((주)레인보우브레인) ,  박현숙 (서울벤처대학원대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

연구결과 도입측면의 연구는 RPA 도입의 방향, 성과기대, 비용, 규제, 리스크에 초점을 맞추어 진행되어 왔다. 향후 도입측면의 연구는 조직적 측면 연구 외에도 기술적, 환경적 측면의 연구 활성화가 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 적용사례 측면의 연구는 실제 기업, 적용업무, 적용직업을 대상으로 이루어져왔음을 알 수 있었다. 향후 적용사례 측면의 연구는 실제 기업, 적용업무, 적용직업을 대상으로 RPA 기술적용 후 성과에 대한 연구가 필요해 보인다. 시장분석 측면의 연구는 시장의 형성단계, 그리고 미래시장 예측으로 이루어져왔음을 알 수 있었다. 향후 연구는 AI, 4차 산업혁명과 연계되어 미래의 시장이 어떻게 전개될지에 대한 연구는 가능하리라 본다. 수용의도 측면의 연구는 타 주제에 비하여 연구가 상대적으로 미진한 연구 분야라고 할 수 있다. 앞으로 수용의도 측면의 연구가 더욱 활성화된다면 신기술수용 이론의 발전에도 기여하고 RPA도입, RPA적용, RPA시장 활성화에도 시사점을 제시하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Research on the introduction aspect of research has focused on the direction, performance expectations, costs, regulations, and risks of RPA introduction. Future research in terms of introduction has shown that in addition to organizational research, technical and environmental research needs to be ...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (37)

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  8. Kim Tae-in and Kim Joong-geun, "The impact of the introduction of RPA on the customs industry and its response strategy". Journal of Customs and Excise, 21(3), 43-66. 2020. 

  9. Jang Sung-moon, "RPA and AI-linked Korea Quality Management Association of 4th Industries", 2019 Volume of the Journal of Autumn Studies, 106-113 (8 pages), 2019. 

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  19. Kim Tae-in and Kim Joong-geun, "The impact of the introduction of RPA on the customs industry and its response strategy". Journal of Customs and Excise, 21(3), 43-66. 2020. 

  20. Lim Jae-wook, Jung Ki-joo, and Kang Tae-deok, "A Study on Optimization of Airline RPA Implementation Costs - Focusing on Technology, Operating Organization and Licensing Structure". Journal of Korean Aviation Management. 17(6). 2019. 

  21. Han Taek-ryong, Lee Kyung-ho, "A regulatory study on RPA (Robot Automation)". Korea Big Data Society. 4(2), 47-59. 2019. 

  22. Kim Ki-bong, "RPA convergence technology for business automation". Journal of Convergence for Information Technology. 9(7), 8-13. 2019. 

  23. Choi Sang-woong, "A Study on the Relative Importance and Priority of Expected Performance Factors through the Introduction of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)". Ph.D. thesis. Soongsil University Graduate School. 2018. 

  24. Kim Dong-ho, "A Study on the Direction and Expected Effects of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Introduction in Customer Services of Financial Companies (S Bank Case-Focused)". Master's thesis. Graduate school at Yonsei University. 2018. 

  25. Nam Myung-ki, Kang Young-sik, Lee Hee-seok, Kwak Chan-hee, "A Study on Digital Innovation of Public Institutions Using RPA: Focusing on the Case of the Korea Information Society Agency". Information Systems Review. 21(4), 157-173. 2019. 

  26. Kim Kyung-il, "RPA-based cost management optimization plan for management and accounting implementation", The Journal of Convergence for Information Technology. 10(5), 8-15. 2020. 

  27. Hyun Young-geun and Lee Ju-yeon, "Research on the application of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) to increase productivity of business documents". Journal of Digital Convergence. 17(9), 199-212. 2019. 

  28. Kim Dong-woo, "RPA application methodology development and application case study - focusing on A company". Master's thesis. Graduate school at Incheon National University. 2019. 

  29. Kim Young-jin, "Development of RPA-based market analysis module". Master's thesis. Graduate school at Hansung University. 2020. 

  30. Choi Dong-jin, "Implementation of RPA to achieve intelligence (D2I) in digital". Information Systems Review, 21(4), 143-156. 2019. 

  31. Yang Sung-yong, "Automated design of unstructured text images with RPA with AI Machine Learning techniques". Ph.D. thesis. Hoseo University graduate school. 2018. 

  32. Cho Dong-chan, "Research on automation of records management tasks using RPA technology". Master's thesis. Graduate school of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. 2021. 

  33. Choi Dong Sung, "A Study on the Application of RPA and the Direction of Development". Master's thesis. Graduate school at Konkuk University. 2021. 

  34. Kim Joo-hyung, "An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Port Selection of Automation Propaganda in the Process of Claiming Care Benefit Expense Using RPA". Master's thesis, graduate school of Soongsil University. 2020. 

  35. Choi Dong-ho, "Industry-specific analysis and challenge of automated RPA in the digital convergence era: RPA vendor analysis". Knowledge Industry Research, 44(1), 67-97. 2021. 

  36. Ahn Young-joon, "A Study on the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Marketplace Model". Master's thesis, graduate school at Konkuk University. 2021. 

  37. Park Dong-hwi, "A Study on Factors Affecting Perceived RPA Usage". Ph.D. thesis. Graduate school at Dankook University. 2019. 

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