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베트남 A 병원의 의료서비스 품질이 추천의도에 미치는 영향 : 고객 만족도 매개효과를 중심으로
Effect of Healthcare Quality on Recommended Intention in Vietnam A Hospital : Focusing on Customer Satisfaction Mediated Effects 원문보기

방사선기술과학 = Journal of radiological science and technology, v.44 no.2, 2021년, pp.133 - 140  

김보하 (가천대학교 일반대학원 보건정책관리학과) ,  황미경 (동원대학교 보건의료행정과) ,  이원재 (가천대학교 일반대학원 보건정책관리학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to analyze the quality and satisfaction of healthcare perceived by patients using hospitals and to provide basic data necessary for expanding and settling Vietnamese healthcare services by analyzing the impact on recommendation intentions. The research method selected one hospital in...


참고문헌 (16)

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