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[국내논문] 조달청 맞춤형서비스 사업에 대한 '감독 권한대행 등 건설사업관리용역(CM)' 과업내용 개선방향
Proposal for Improvement on the Task of Construction Project Management Service(CM) for the Customized Service Project of the Public Procurement Service 원문보기

한국건설관리학회논문집 = Korean journal of construction engineering and management, v.22 no.3, 2021년, pp.3 - 11  

이종태 (충남대학교 건축공학과(조달청 시설사업국)) ,  윤현도 (충남대학교 건축공학과)


건설사업관리용역사업자는 '과업내용서'에 명시된 각 시공 단계의 활동을 명확하게 수행해야한다. 본 연구에서는 업무의 빈도와 중요성을 고려하여 '설계변경'과 '준공처리'를 핵심 업무로 분류하였다. 이어서, 실제 수행된 건설 프로젝트를 분석하여 핵심 업무에 대한 과업내용을 표준화했다. 이를 통해 발주청, 건설사업관리기술인 및 시공자가 건설사업관리의 업무 영역을 명확히 이해하고 각자의 업무에 대해 책임을 다할 수 있는 기틀을 마련했다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The construction project manager must clearly carry out the activities of each construction stage specified in the 'Task Description'. In this study, 'design change' and 'completion process' were classified as core tasks in consideration of the frequency and importance of tasks. And, by analyzing th...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Cho, H.H. (2009). "Establishment of Construction Project Management Business Model and Realization of Costs." Construction Management Technology and Trend, Korea Construction Management Association, pp. 321-325. 

  2. Jeon, Y.J. (2006). "Development of CM Checklist for Each Construction Project Using AHP Technique." Proceedings of the Korea Construction Management Association Conference, Korea Construction Management Association, pp. 342-346. 

  3. Kim, G.N. (2003). "A Study on the Role of Construction Project Management in Domestic Design and Construction Contracts." Master's Degree, Graduate School of Urban Science, University of Seoul. 

  4. Lee, C.H. (2004). "Analyzing the Problems of Introducing the Domestic CM System and the Effect on Construction Technology." Master's Degree, Chungnam National University. 

  5. Lee, J.T. (2015). "A Study of Improvement Plan for CM Service's Instructions in Respond to Changing Construction Industry Environment." Master's Degree, Chungnam National University. 

  6. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Notification No. 2020-306 (Mar. 31, 2020), Construction project management method review standards and business performance guidelines. 

  7. Na, G.T. (2002). "A Study on the Improvement (Proposal) of Domestic Construction Project Management Guidelines." Journal of the Korean Institute of Architectural Construction, Korean Institute of Architectural Construction, 2(3), pp. 147-154. 

  8. Park, J.H. (2007). "Proposal of domestic CM application through CM analysis of AIA and CMAA." Journal of the Korean Institute of Architectural Construction, Korean Institute of Architectural Construction, 7(4), pp. 83-91. 

  9. Ryu, W.S. (2003). "A Direction for Improving Public Construction Project Management through Analysis of Domestic CM Cases." Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Korean Institute of Architecture, 19(1), pp. 153-160. 

  10. Song, S.M., Seo, J.H,, Lee, C.H., Kim, Y.S., and Cho, H.H. (2011). "A Deduction of Key Work for Service Guide of Construction Project Manager." Journal of the Korea Construction Management Association, Korea Construction Management Association, 12(4), pp. 11-19. 

  11. Yoon, B.S. (2007). "Analysis of CM status through CM performance evaluation results." Proceedings of the National University Student Conference, Korea Construction Management Association, pp. 153-156. 

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