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열 펌으로 형성된 웨이브 모발의 거칠기 분석
Analysis of roughness of wave hair formed by thermal perm 원문보기

한국융합학회논문지 = Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, v.12 no.7, 2021년, pp.235 - 241  

박장순 (송원대학교 뷰티예술학과) ,  임순녀 (동신대학교 뷰티미용학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

헤어미용을 통한 외모 관리는 미용산업의 근간(根幹)을 이루면서 열을 이용한 퍼머넌트 웨이브는 헤어살롱에서 많이 시술되고 있지만, 열 퍼머넌트 웨이브 시술로 인한 모발 손상은 불가피한 현실이다. 따라서 모발 웨이브 형성력을 더욱 높일 수 있고 고객의 모발 손상을 최소화할 수 있는 열 퍼머넌트 웨이브에 대한 효율적인 방안을 제시할 목적으로 본 연구를 진행하였다. 후두부의 버진 헤어를 채취하여 thermal rod pretreatment and thermal permanent wave treatment를 한 후, Atomic Force Microscope를 통한 모발 거칠기 분석과 3D-image를 연구하였다. 연구 결과 평균 거칠기(Ra)와 십점 평균 거칠기(Rz) 모두 4구간이 각각 223nm와 853nm로 산출되면서 가장 높은 수치를 나타냈다. 실험 데이터의 표본이 적은 한계성을 지니고 있으나 본 연구를 통해 웨이브 형성력을 더욱 상승시킬 수 있으며, 고객 모발의 큐티클 보호와 함께 모발 손상을 최소화할 수 있는 열 퍼머넌트 웨이브에 대한 객관적인 방안 제시가 현실적으로 가능해질 것으로 판단한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Appearance management through hair beauty forms the basis of the beauty industry, while permanent waves using heat are often used in hair salons, but hair damage due to thermal permanent wave treatment is an inevitable reality. Therefore, this study was conducted for the purpose of presenting an eff...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (17)

  1. G. H. Son & J. S. Park. (2018). Demographic Characteristics of Korean Men A Study on Correlation with Preference for Female Hair Style. Journal of the Korean Convergence Society, 9(9), 263-270. DOI : 10.15207/ JKCS.2018.9.9.263 

  2. Y. Y. Na. (2002). Study on change in hairstyle of Korean women : focused on period from 1900's to 1990's. Master of Thesis. Ho-nam university. 

  3. S. Y. Lee. (2014). Bibliometric Analysis on The Research Trends in field of Hair Beauty. Master of Thesis. Seoul Venture University. 

  4. J. S. Park & H. J. Kwon. (2017). Perception about Make up Influence on Man's Make up and Their Success. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 8(4), 231-237. DOI : 10.15207/ JKCS.2017.8.4.231 

  5. J. S. Park. (2020). A study on the Morphological Changes of Hair after Treatment with Neutral Oxidative Dyeing Agent. Journal of the Korean Convergence Society, 11(7), 289-295. DOI : 10.15207/JKCS.2020.11.7.289 

  6. J. S. Park. (2020). A Study on the Correlation between the Components of Modern Girl Hair Style and Social Feminine Performance. Journal of the Korean Convergence Society, 11(7), 345-350. DOI : 10.15207/JKCS.2020.11.7.345 

  7. J. S. Park. (2020). A convergence study on the properties of hair coated with Ginkgo biloba extract. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 11(8), 223-228. 

  8. J. W. Lee & K. H. Kang. (2014) Study about the relationship between self-esteem, depression and stress of students according to school system. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society. 5(4), 69-74. UCI : G704-SER000004000.2014.5.4.010 

  9. J. R. Lee & S. H. Lee. (2010). Condition, Perception and Management of Hair and Diffuse Hair Loss on Adult Male. Journal of the Korea Society Beauty Art, 11(1), 163-181. UCI : G704-SER000008940.2010.11.1.003 

  10. M. H. Jang & S. K. Bae. (2010). Recognition Change Before and After Wearing Wigs of the Female Cancer Patients, Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 10(4), 198-205. DOI : 10.5392/JKCA.2010.10.4.198 

  11. J. H. Yoon. (2005). A Study of Scalp and Hair Care among Korean Women. Master of Thesis, Nambu University. 

  12. M. J. Kim, S. H. Jung & S. N. Shim. (2012). The research about Scalp treatments by self-recognition of adult's losing hair. Journal of the Korean Convergence Society, 3(3), 21-27. 

  13. G. Binnig, H. Rohrer, C. Gerber & E. Weibel (1996). Surface Studies by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. SPIE MILESTONE SERIES MS, 129, 608-612. 

  14. Ikai A. (1996). STM and AFM of biolorganic molecules and structures. Surface Science Reports, (26), 261-332. 

  15. H. J. Park. (2010). Research on hair cuticle and hair damage by using atomic force microscope. Master of thesis, Korea National University of Education. DDC 570 

  16. H. W. Joe. (2016). Research about Hair Damage due to Intermediate Treatment Method during Heat Perm Connection Procedure of Dyed and Bleached Hair. Master of thesis, Wonkwang University. UCI I804:45008-000002237859 

  17. J. E. Lee. (2007). A Study on Hair Change by Magic Straight Perm. Master of thesis, Daegu Catholic University. 

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