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일제강점기 한국인 도서관 직원의 현황과 활동에 관한 연구
A Study on the Current Status and Activities of Korean Library Staffs Who Worked in Libraries during the Japanese Colonial Period 원문보기

한국문헌정보학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, v.55 no.3, 2021년, pp.171 - 196  

송승섭 (명지대학교 문헌정보학과.교육대학원)


이 연구의 목적은 일제강점기 피지배 계급으로 역사 속에서 소외되어 있었던 한국인 도서관 직원들의 현황과 역할에 대해서 조사하고 그들의 활동을 재평가하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 먼저, 한국인이 근무했던 도서관과 한국인 직원현황을 조사했다. 둘째, 그들이 도서관에서 종사했던 직책과 그 성격을 살펴보았다. 셋째, 한국인 도서관 근무자들이 받은 교육에 대한 참석 실태와 도서관 관련 잡지 투고 현황을 조사했다. 현황분석 결과, 일제강점기에 한국인 도서관 직원은 총 27개 도서관에 241명이 있었던 것으로 나타났으며, 도서관 강습회에 73명, 제29회 전국도서관대회에 22명이 참석하였고, 주요 도서관 잡지 기고자도 40여 명에 달했다. 이러한 결과를 통해 이들이 해방 후, 우리나라 근대도서관 이식과정에서 일정 역할을 한 것으로 평가할 수 있다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to examine the status of Korean library staffs and their role who were alienated as a subjugated class in Japanese Colonial Era and re-evaluate their effort. For these, firstly, this study investigated libraries that Korean librarian worked and the status of Korean staff...


표/그림 (11)

참고문헌 (25)

  1. Kazuo, Kato., Ikoi, Fuminori & Kawata Tojo, Translated by Seok-Doo Choi (2009). Japanese Colonial Libraries: Japanese Modern Library History in Asia. Seoul: Hanul Academy. 

  2. National Library of Korea (1973). The History of the National Library of Korea. Seoul: National Library of Korea. 

  3. Kim, Nam-Seuk (1990). Public Libraries in Contexts of Adult Education Under the Japanese Occupation. Daegu: Keimyung University Press. 

  4. Kim, Nam-Seuk (1996). A study of rural-mini libraries under the japanese occupation. Journal of Korean and Information Science Society, 24, 335-364. 

  5. Kim, Young-seok & Lee, Yong-jae (2018) A study on the first modern public library in Korea: focusing on japanese hongdohoe library. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 49(2), 131-150. 

  6. Bae Hang-seob (1991.2). Issues surrounding the 'categorization of our historical period' between the two Koreas. - why, is there a big difference between the modern and today, modern times between North and South Korea. The Institute For Korean Historical Studies. Critical Review of History, 244-256. 

  7. Paik, Rin (1969). A Study on History of Library in Korea. Seoul: Korean Library Association. 

  8. Song, Sung-seob (2021). A study on the writings and achievements of Jaewook Lee in Korea. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 55(1), 619-644. 

  9. Oh, Dong-Geun edition (2000). The Life and Thoughts of Bong-Seok Park, a Librarian. Daegu: Taeilsa book publishing. 

  10. Lee, Bong-Soon (2001). Lee Bong-soon Autobiography: The Story of a Library Grandmother. Seoul: Ewha Womans University Press. 

  11. Lee, Yong-jae (2013). Critical Biography of Library' Person. Busan: Sanjini book publishing. 

  12. Jo, Hye-rin (2020) A study on 'Lee Chai Wuk', the first director of national library of Korea: focused on Munheon Boguk published by the library of japanese government general Korea. Journal of the Institute of Bibliography, 84, 279-298. 

  13. Tongilnews (2015. 7. 24). North Korea introduces 'Baeg, Seon-haeng', a symbol of frugality and devotio. Available: http://www.tongilnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno112934 

  14. Korean Society for Library History Research ed. (2020). Table of Contents of Library Publications during the Japanese colonial period. Seoul: Doyeon Bookstore. 

  15. Korean History Database-Data on Korean Modern and Contemporary Persons Available: http://db.history.go.kr/item/level.do?itemIdim 

  16. Kazuo, Kato., Ikoi, Fuminori & Kawata Tojo (2005). Japanese Colonial Libraries: Japanese Modern Library History in Asia. Tokyo: Shakai Hyoronsha. 

  17. Keiji, Okamura (2017). Prewar Foreign Activity Library Staff Name Dictionary, Tokyo: Takehisa Publishing Co., Ltd. 

  18. Kanazawa Bumpokaku Editorial Department (2018). Prewar "Foreign Land" Library Material Collection-Korea Edition. volume 9. Kanazawa City: Bumpokaku. 

  19. Kanazawa Bumpokaku Editorial Department (2018). Prewar "Foreign Land" Library Material Collection-Korea Edition. Appendix. Kanazawa City: Bumpokaku. 

  20. Chosun Library Research Institute ed. (1931-1938). Joseonjidoseogwan(Chosun's Library). Gyeongseong: Chosun Library Research Institute. 

  21. Chosun Library Federation ed. (1939-1941). Munhwawoncheon: Yangseo(Cultural Source: Good Book). Gyeongseong: Chosun Library Federation. 

  22. Chosun Reading Federation ed. (1937-1938). Dogseo(Reading). Gyeongseong: Chosun Reading Federation. 

  23. Chosun Government-General ed. (1913-1944). Chosun Government-General Annual Report. Gyeongseong: Chosun Government-General. 

  24. Chosun Government-General's Library ed. (1935-1944). Munheon Bogug. Gyeongseong: Chosun Government-General's Library. 

  25. Chosun Government-General's Library ed. (1943). Chosun Government-General's Library Photo Collection. Gyeongseong: Chosun Government-General's Library. 

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