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고종대 왕실도서관의 변천 과정에 관한 통시적 고찰
A Diachronic Study on the Transition Process of the Royal Library during the Gojong Period 원문보기

한국문헌정보학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, v.56 no.3, 2022년, pp.213 - 239  

송승섭 (명지대학교 문헌정보학과.교육대학원(사서교육))

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

이 연구는 근대화에 앞서 국내외적으로 가장 혼란스러웠던 고종 시대사 속에서, 왕실도서관(규장각)의 변천 과정을 연대순으로 정리하고 그 흐름을 분석하여 통시적 의미를 찾고자 시도되었다. 이를 위해 첫째, 고종대 왕실도서관과 개인도서관 역할을 한 고종의 서재와 도서 수장처 전체 현황을 조사했다. 둘째, 조사 현황을 바탕으로, 고종대 초기 왕실도서관부터 대한제국 시기 황실도서관까지 이어지는 변천 과정과 그 의미를 조선왕조실록, 승정원일기, 각종 서목 등 당시의 다양한 사료와 함께 고찰했다. 셋째, 경복궁, 창덕궁, 경운궁으로 이어지는 왕실도서관의 시·공간적 변화와 양상을 왕궁별로 도식화하여 정치·사회적 의미를 분석했다. 그 결과, 첫째, 고종은 규장각을 왕권을 강화하고, 근대화과정에서 서양 문화를 수용하는 장치로 활용했다. 둘째, 고종의 정치적 지향을 담은 핵심 공간인 어진 봉안처, 도서 수장처, 집무처는 경복궁, 창덕궁, 경운궁에 걸쳐 별전으로서 일곽을 이루며 점차 서구식 건축양식으로 변화했다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study attempted to organize the transition process of Royal Library (Gyujanggak) in chronological order, analyze the flow and find diachronic meaning during Gojong period, the most confused time at home and abroad prior to modernization. For this, first, the total status quo of King Gojong's li...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (20)

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  4. Han, Young-woo (1997). Organization and utilization of Gyujanggak materials. Gugsagwannonchong, 73, 31-50. 

  5. Hong, Soon-Min (1999). The Story of Our Palace. Seoul: Cheongnyeonsa. 

  6. Hwang, Jung-yon (2007). The collection of paintings and calligraphy at Jipgyeong-dang Hall during King Gojong's reign(1897~1907). Cultural Heritage, 40, 207-241. 

  7. Jang, Yoyng-sook (2009). King Gojong's collection of 'Enlightenment'-themed books, and their influence upon him-examined through the 「Naeha Chaekja Mokrok(內下冊子目錄)」. The Historical Studies on Korean National Movement, 58, 205-240. 

  8. Jang, Yoyng-sook (2012). Fact and use of enlightenment books collected by Gojong through the analysis of Jibokjae Seomok(Catalogue of Books in Jibokjae(集玉齋書目). Journal of Korean Modern and Contemporary History, 61, 7-39. 

  9. Jeong, Ok-ja (2006). Significance of knowledge-based social in Kyujanggak and east asian culture. Kyujanggak, 29, 93-120 

  10. Jung, Byung-wook (1969). While promulgating the list and release of Nakseonjae Library. Korean Language and Literature Society. Korean Language and Literature, 44.45, 1-64. 

  11. Lee, Hyejung (2021). A bibliographical study on catalogue of books in Jibokjae. Journal of Studies in Bibliography, 85, 97-116. 

  12. Lee, Jung-hyo (2018). A study on Daechukkwan-seomok and Seunghwaru-seomok. Journal of Studies in Bibliography, 73, 35-52. 

  13. Lee, Min-Ah (2021a). The Ritual Space in Royal Palaces under Gojong. Doctoral dissertation, The Graduate School Seoul National University. 

  14. Lee, Min-Ah (2021b). Changes in the King's portrait house and the succession of 'Kyujanggak' under Gojong. Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studie, Korean Culture, 95, 173-205. 

  15. Lee, Taejin (2000). Re-illumination of the Era of King Gojong. Seoul: Taehaksa. 

  16. Yeon, Gapsu (1994). Political Changes and Kyujanggak in the early and middle period of King Gojong(1864~1894). Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studies, Seoul National University. Kyujanggak, 17, 57-75. 

  17. Yi, Hye Won (2008). A Study on the Changes to the Jeongak Complex after the reconstruction of Kyeongbokgung: With a focus on Kyeongbokgung Baechidoj and Bukgwoldohyeongj. Doctoral dissertation, Kyonggi University, Department of Architectural Engineering The graduate school. 

  18. Yoo, Hongjun (2011). My Cultural Heritage Exploration⑥. Seoul: Changbi Publishers. 

  19. Yoo, Hongjun (2019). My Cultural Heritage Exploration⑨. Seoul: Changbi Publishers. 

  20. Yoon, Jiyang (2020). Reading Modern Knowledge: Release of 12 Chinese books from Jibokjae's collection. Busan: Sanji. 

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