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열전모듈 제습기의 제습 능력 및 에너지 효율 극대화를 위한 열교환기 용량 최적화
Optimization of Heat exchanger Capacity to Maximize the Performance and Energy Efficiency of TEM Dehumidifiers 원문보기

한국지열·수열에너지학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy, v.17 no.3, 2021년, pp.13 - 20  

이태희 (수원과학대학교 소방안전설비공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The capacity optimization of the heat exchanger of the TEM dehumidifier was performed through numerical analysis. If the ratio of the size of heat exchangers on the cold and hot surfaces of the TEM is not appropriate, the larger the size of the heat exchanger results the lower performance and effici...


표/그림 (10)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Nguyen, H. H., Duong, X. Q., Lee, S. S., Kim, K. M., Yang, Y. W., and Chung, J. D., 2019, Numerical Analysis of Dehumidification in Compressor Type Dehumidifier, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 167-173. 

  2. Lee, T. H., 2020, The Analysis of the Effects of Design Parameters on the Energy Efficiency and Performance of TEM Dehumidifiers, Korea Society of Geothermal Energy Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1-7. 

  3. Nguyen, H. H., Duong, X. Q., Lee, S. S., Kim, K. M., Yang, Y. W., and Chung, J. D., 2018, Numerical Analysis of A Compressor Type of Dehumidifier : (II) Heat Transfer, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 92-99. 

  4. Kwon, O. K., Yun, J. H., and Kim, J. H., 2006, Performance Test Evaluation of Electronic Dehumidifier Using Thermoelectric Module, Proceedings of the KSME Conference 2006. 6, pp. 2046-2051. 

  5. Lee, T. H., 2019, Development of analysis algorithm of a thermoelectric module applied dehumidifier, Korean J. of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Eng., Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 473-482. 

  6. Kang, D. H., Kim, S. H., and Kim, K. H., 2007, Development of a Drain-Type Electronic Dehumidifier Using Thermoelectric Element, Proceedings of the KSME Conference 2007, pp. 3430-3434. 

  7. Ryu, S. R., Yeom, H. J., Lee, H. J., and Cho, H., 2018, A Fundamental Study on the Composition for the Hybrid Dehumidification System Using Thermoelectric Device , J. of KIAEBS, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 618-626. 

  8. Kwon, O. K., Yun, J. H., and Kim J. H., 2006, Performance Test Evaluation of Electronic Dehumidifier Using Thermoelectric Module, Proceedings of the KSME Conference 2006, pp. 2046-2051. 

  9. Wang, H., and Qi, C., 2010, Experimental study of operation performance of a low power thermoelectric cooling dehumidifier, I. J. of Energy and Environment, Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp. 459-466. 

  10. Im, D. H., 2018, Study on the Design of a New Heatsink Cooling System for Thermoelectric Dehumidifier, M.S. Thesis, Korea University. 

  11. Ro, S. T., and Seo, J. S., 1990, Principle of thermoelectric refrigeration and system design, Korean J. of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Eng., Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 135-145. 

  12. Kim, D. S., 2014, Theoretical Analysis of a Recuperative Refrigeration Dehumidifier, Korean J. of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Eng., Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 48-54. 

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