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CPPS 및 VR을 연계한 스마트팩토리 기반 기술 교육 플랫폼 개발
Development of Smart Factory-Based Technology Education Platform Linking CPPS and VR 원문보기

JPEE : Journal of practical engineering education = 실천공학교육논문지, v.13 no.3, 2021년, pp.483 - 490  

이현 (한국폴리텍대학 분당융합기술교육원 임베디드시스템과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 논문에서는 스마트팩토리 기반의 CPPS(Cyber Physical Production System)VR(Virtual Reality) 기술을 활용한 스마트팩토리 통합 기술 교육 플랫폼 개발과 플랫폼을 활용한 교육 방법들을 제안하였다. 3D 디지털 트윈과 연동이 가능하며 BOP(Bill of Process) 기반의 제조 공정을 통합하는 방법을 학습할 수 있도록 플랫폼을 개발하였다. 또한 디지털 트윈은 OPC-UA 서버를 통해 메카니컬 시스템과 디지털 트윈 뿐만 아니라 가상 현실까지 연계하여 통합 스마트팩토리 기반의 교육 플랫폼을 구축하였다. 이러한 플랫폼을 기반으로 스마트팩토리 통합 플랫폼은 BOP 기반 디지털 트윈 시뮬레이션, OPC-UA 통합, MES 시스템, SCADA 시스템, VR 연동으로 스마트팩토리 통합 플랫폼의 개별 요소들을 가지도록 제안하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we proposed the development of a smart factory intergrated technology education platform using smart factory based CPPS (Cyber Physical Production System) and VR (Vitrual Reality) technology and educational methods using the platform. A platform has been developed to learn how to inte...


표/그림 (10)

참고문헌 (7)

  1. H. Lee, "A study on the development of smart factory based cyber physical production system platform," Proceeding of the 2021 Conference on Korea Institute for Practical Engineering Education, KIPEE, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 262-263, November 2019. 

  2. H. Lee, "Development of digital twin platform using smart factory based CPPS," Proceeding of the 2021 Conference on Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, KIICE, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 305-307, May 2021. 

  3. H. Lee, "Development of CPPS platform integrating manufacturing process design and process," Proceeding of the 36rd Conference on Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, ICROS, pp. 274-275, June 2021. 

  4. F. Tao, Q. Qi, L. Wang, and A. Y. C. Nee, "Digital twins and cyber-physical systems toward smart manufacturing and industry 4.0: correlation and comparison," Research Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 5, issue 4, pp. 653-661, August 2019. 

  5. B. Illmer and M. Vielhaber, "Cyber-physical system and production characteristics-classification and visualization of relationships," 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing System 2020, Procedia CIRP 93, pp. 186-191, 2020. 

  6. V. Havard, B. Jeanne, M. Lacomblez, and D. Baudry, "Digital twin and virtual reality: a co-simulation environment for design and assessment of industrial workstations," Production & Manufacturing Research, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 472-489, September 2019. 

  7. E. Yildiz, C. Moller, and A. Bilberg, "Demonstration and evaluation of a digital twin-based virtual factory," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 114, issue 1-2, pp. 185-203, March 2021. 

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