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Factor Analysis on the Effect of Win-win Smart Factory Education on Job Satisfaction of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises 원문보기

대한안전경영과학회지 = Journal of the Korea safety management & science, v.23 no.3, 2021년, pp.47 - 55  

서홍일 (금오공과대학교 컨설팅학과) ,  김태성 (금오공과대학교 산업공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Developed countries that have experienced decline in productivity due to the economic crisis in the past have come to recognize the smart factory as an important means to strengthen the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry due to the increase in labor costs, the avoidance of the manufacturi...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (17)

  1. A. Bandura(1986), Social foundations of thought & action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, pp. 44-99. 

  2. B. H. Lee(2019), "To improve the efficiency of smart factory promotion small and medium business education improvement strategy." Technology Management Economics Society, 12-1790049-000002-01:32-33. 

  3. B. J. Jung(2017), "A study on the effect of smart factory on corporate performance and job satisfaction." Master's thesis, Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Education. 

  4. E. H. Kim(2020), "A study on application of Fraunhofer industry 4.0 layer model for Korean SMEs' smart factory training." Korean Association of Business Education, 35(3):91-112. 

  5. H. R. Jeong(2011), "A study on the effects of airline organizational culture on job satisfaction and customer orientation: Focusing on the ground workers of domestic and foreign airlines." Master's thesis, Dong-A University. 

  6. H. H. Lee, C. S. Leem(2018), "SWOT analysis for small and medium enterprise in smart factory introduction." Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 9(3):1-14. 

  7. J. H. Sim, M. S. Yoon, J. B. Ahn, B. D. Yu, I. K. Hwang(2017), "A study on smart factory construction in small and medium manufacturers." Journal of the Korean Institute of Plant Engineering, 22(1):87-97. 

  8. J. H. Kim(2019), "Analysis of factors affecting company performance by smart factory." Journal of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering, 42(4):76-83. 

  9. J. S. Park, K. S. Kang(2017), "Strategies of smart factory building and Application of small & mediumsized manufacturing enterprises." Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science, 19(1):227-236. 

  10. J. Compbell(1970), "On the nature of organizational effectiveness." New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness, 13:55. 

  11. J. H. Kwon, S. B. Lee(2016), "A case study of german small and medium enterprises' introduction of 'Industry 4.0' and it's implication to Korea." Koreanisch Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Wirtscha ftswissenschaften, 34(3):37-55. 

  12. J. H. Lee(2017), "The effects of education and training satisfaction on learning transfer and job satisfaction." Master's thesis, Korea University of Tchnology & Education. 

  13. J. W. Kim(2017), "Current status and development plan for smart factory education." The Korea Contents Society, 15(2):25-29. 

  14. Korea Policy Briefing(2020), Smart factory, smart industrial complex. https://www.korea.kr/special/policyCurationView.do?newsId148866604 (Search date: 2020.03.18.) 

  15. Ministry of SMEs and Startups(2021), Achieved 20,000 smart factories supply. https://www.korea.kr/news/ressReleaseView.do?newsId156431980(Search date: 2021.09.13.) 

  16. News Channel J(2019), Smart factory business briefing session. http://www.newsch.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno10221 (Search date: 2019. 10.15.) 

  17. O. Jang(2012), "Effect of education and training of Korean companies entering China on job satisfaction and job performance improvement." Master's thesis, Kangwon National University. 

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