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[국내논문] 방사선사법 제정 위한 미국 전문 방사선사 면허제도 고찰
Study on Advanced Radiologic Technologist License System in the United States for Enacting Radiologic Technologist Act 원문보기

방사선기술과학 = Journal of radiological science and technology, v.44 no.5, 2021년, pp.555 - 563  

성열훈 (청주대학교 보건의료과학대학 방사선학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The rapidly developing medical environment has required the expertise and social responsibility of radiologic technologists and needs to be enacted to support them. Therefore, the purpose of this study tried to present the basis for enacting advanced radiologic technologists act in Korea by studying...


참고문헌 (24)

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  2. Huh J. A Study on X-ray Technician and Technical Educational System in Korea. Journal of Health Science & Medical Technology. 1970;9(1):61-70. 

  3. Lee YM. The Korea Radiological Technologists Association 50 Years. The Korea Radiological Technologists Association; 2016. 

  4. Lim CS. A Study on the issues and improving directions of the rules related radiologic technologist in medical law. Journal of Radiological Science and Technology. 1994;17(1):87-96. 

  5. http://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud20150115000302&md20150115100433_BL. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  6. Lim CS, Jin GH. Perception of Radiological Technologists on Enacting of the Radiological Technologist Act in Korea. Journal of the Korea Society of Radiology. 2018;12(2):245-53. 

  7. https://www.arrt.org/pages/census. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  8. https://www.asrt.org/main/about-asrt/museumand-archives/asrt-history. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  9. ASRT. The ASRT Practice Standards for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy. ASRT. Effective June 23, 2019. 

  10. https://www.arrt.org/pages/about/about-us. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  11. https://www.arrt.org/pages/earn-arrt-credentials/initial-requirements/primary-requirements/education-requirements-primary/three-year-rule. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  12. https://www.arrt.org/pages/earn-arrt-credentials/initial-requirements/education-requirement. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  13. https://www.arrt.org/earn-arrt-credentials/credential-options/registered-radiologist-assistant. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  14. https://www.arrt.org/pages/about/about-us/governance. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  15. https://www.arrt.org/pages/about-the-profession/state-licensing. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  16. https://www.tmb.state.tx.us/page/licensing-limited-medical-radiologic-technologist. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  17. https://www.jrcert.org/history/. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  18. https://www.jrcert.org/board-of-directors/. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  19. https://www.jrcert.org/find-a-program/. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  20. Seoung YH. A Study on License System and Radiographer's Primary Pathway Education Curriculum in the United States: Focused on One Case of College in Texas. Journal of Radiological Science and Technology. 2020;43(1):35-43. 

  21. https://www.arrt.org/pages/earn-arrt-credentials/initial-requirements/r-r-a-requirements/radiologist-assistant-educational-programs. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  22. ARRT. Annual Report of Examinations: Registered Radiologist Assistant 2020. ARRT; 2020. 

  23. http://www.dailymedi.com/detail.php?number874165. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

  24. http://www.kaapn.or.kr/new/sub02/2_1.php. Accessed October 10, 2021. 

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