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클로드 증후군으로 진단된 복시와 운동실조 증상을 가진 환자의 한방 치료 증례 1례 보고
A Case Report of a Patient with Diplopia and Ataxia Diagnosed as Claude's Syndrome Treated with Korean Medicine 원문보기

대한한방내과학회지 = The journal of internal Korean medicine, v.42 no.5, 2021년, pp.1054 - 1061  

배지용 (세명대학교 한의과대학 한방내과학교실) ,  김태정 (세명대학교 한의과대학 한방소아과학교실) ,  공경환 (세명대학교 한의과대학 한방내과학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: The aim of this study was to report the effect of Korean medicine treatment on Claude's syndrome with ataxia and diplopia. Methods: We applied electroacupuncture, scalp acupuncture, and physical therapy to the patient. Diplopia was assessed with the distance between two images of one obje...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (14)

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  5. Kim BR, Lee JY, Kim MJ, Jung HY, Lee, JM. Korean Version of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia in Ataxic Stroke Patients. Ann Rehabil Med 2014;38(6):742-51. 

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  7. Kim YS, Park KH, Lee YJ, Kim JH, Kim MH, Kim SH. Nuclear Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Due to Midbrain Infarction(Typical and Atypical Cases). Korean Journal of Stroke 2004;6(2):171-4. 

  8. Lee CH, Lee CH, Park MK, Jung WH, Choi BS, Hong KE, et al. A idiopathic oculomotor nerve palsy patient treated by acupuncture complex therapy. Journal of Acupuncture Research 2010;27(4):233-8. 

  9. Park JY, Kim YS, Cho KH, Mun SK, Jung WS. A Study of Central and Peripheral type of Eye Movement Impairment-Focused on 3 Cases Treated with Oriental Medical Treatment. The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2012;33(4):599-608. 

  10. Lee JS, Shin SH. Clinical study on a case of idiopathic oculomotor nerve palsy patient. Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine 2008;22(3):699-702. 

  11. Liu W, Mukherjee M, Sun C, Liu H, McPeak LK. Electroacupuncture may help motor recovery in chronic stroke survivors: a pilot study. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 2008;45(4):587-9. 

  12. Ren L, Zhang WA, Fang NY, Wang JX. The influence of electro-acupuncture on neural plasticity in acute cerebral infarction. Neurological research 2008 Nov 1;30(9):985-9. 

  13. Chun JW, Kim DH. Risk Factors and Prognosis of Isolated Ischemic 3rd, 4th, 6th Cranial Nerve Palsy. Journal of The Korean Ophthalmological Society 2014;55(5):740-5. 

  14. Park UC, Kim SJ, Yu YS. Clinical Features and Natural History of the Acquired Third, Fourth, and Sixth Cranial Nerve Palsy. Journal of The Korean Ophthalmological Society 2005;46(9):1555-62. 

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