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[국내논문] 문경 조령 주흘관(제 1관문) 목부재의 수종 및 연륜연대 분석
Species Identification and Tree-Ring Dating of the Wooden Elements Used in Juheulgwan of Joryeong (Gate No.1), Mungyeong, Korea 원문보기

목재공학 = Journal of the Korean wood science and technology, v.49 no.6, 2021년, pp.550 - 565  

LEE, Kwang Hee (Research Institute of Wooden Cultural Heritage, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage) ,  PARK, Chang Hyun (Department of Heritage Conservation and Restoration, Graduate School of Cultural Heritage, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage) ,  KIM, Soo Chul (Department of Conservation Science, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구에서는 문경 조령 주흘관(제 1관문) 목부재에 대해 수종과 연륜연대분석을 진행하여 재질과 건축역사를 조사하고자 하였다. 주흘관 목부재(84점)의 수종은 소나무류 76점, 잣나무류 5점, 전나무속 3점으로 확인되었다. 연륜연대분석은 코어링법을 이용하여 시료를 채취하였으며, TSAP프로그램으로 크로스데이팅을 하였다. 연륜연대분석 결과, 소나무류 목부재 59점에 대한 최외각 연도는 1708년 여름-1709년 늦가을, 1792년 여름-1794년 초봄, 1838년 늦가을-1840년 초봄, 1867년과 1872년 초봄-늦가을로 총 4개의 벌채시기가 확인되었다. 이러한 벌채시기들은 조선왕족실록, 주흘관중수기, 주흘관 성벽 각기의 수리기록과 일치한 것을 확인하였다. 일부 부재들은 수리기록과 벌채시기간의 약 10년 정도 차이가 나타나 당시 벌채한 목재를 저장하여 사용한 것으로 판단된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study's objective was to conduct species identification and tree-ring dating of wooden elements used in Mungyeong Juheulgwan of Joryeong (Gate No. 1). Of the 84 wooden elements evaluated, 76 were confirmed to be hard pines, 5 were soft pines, and 3 belonged to Abies spp. For tree-ring dating, c...


표/그림 (14)

참고문헌 (20)

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  5. Lee, K.H., Park, C.H., Kim, S.C. 2020. Species Identification and Tree-Ring Analysis of Wooden Elements in Daewoong-jeon of Hwagye-temple, Seoul, Korea. Journal of conservation science 36(5): 326-332. 

  6. Lee, K.H., Seo, J.W., Han, G.S. 2018. Dating Wooden Artifacts Excavated at Imdang-dong Site, Gyeongsan, Korea and Interpreting the Paleoenvironment according to the Wood Identification. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 46(3): 241-252. 

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  9. Norrgard, S., Helama, S. 2021. Dendroclimatic investigations and cross-dating in the 1700s: The tree-ring investigations of Johan Leche (1704-1764) in southwestern Finland. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51(2): 267-273. 

  10. Park, J.H., Oh, J.E., Hwang, I.S., Jang, H.U., Choi, J.W., Kim, S.C. 2018. Study on Species Identification for Pungnammun Gate (Treasure 308) in Jeonju, Korea. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 46(3): 278-284. 

  11. Park, W.K., Kim, Y.J., Han, S.H. 2014. Dendrochronological Dating for the Gwanghanru Pavilion, Namwon, Korea. Annual Review in Cultural Heritage Studies 47(1): 152-163. 

  12. Park, W.K., Lee, K.H. 2007. Changes in the Species of Woods used for Korean Ancient and Historic Architectures. Journal of Architectural History 16(1): 9-28. 

  13. Park, W.K., Son, B.H., Han, S.H. 2003. Tree-ring Dating of Wood Elements Used for Tongmyungjeon Hall of Changkyung Palace. Journal of Architectural History 12(3): 53-63. 

  14. Schweingruber, F.H. 1988. Tree Rings: Basics and Applications of dendrochronology. Kluwer academic publishers, Dordrecht, Holland. 

  15. Seo, J.W., Jeong, H.M., Sano, M., Choi, E.B., Park, J.H., Lee, K.H., Kim, Y.J., Park, H.C. 2017. Establishing Tree Ring δ18O Chronologies for Principle Tree Species (T. cuspidata, P. koraiensis, A. koreana, Q. mongolica) at Subalpine Zone in Mt. Jiri National Park and Their Correlations with The Corresponding Climate. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 45(5): 661-670. 

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  17. Son, B.H., Kim, J.H., Nam, T.K., Lee, K.H., Park, W.K. 2011. Species Identification and Tree-Ring Analysis of Wood Elements in Daesungjeon of Jipyeong Hyanggyo, Yangpyeong, Korea. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 39(3): 213-220. 

  18. Son, B.H., Park, W.K., Yoon, D.H. 2006. Analysis of Species and Tree-Ring Dating of Wood Elements Used for the Daewoongjeon Hall of Youngguksa Temple. Journal of Architectural History 15(2): 23-38. 

  19. Speer, J.H. 2010. The Fundamentals of Tree-ring Research. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, USA. 

  20. Teskey, R.O., Bongarten, B.C., Cregg, B.M., Dougherty, P.M., Hennessey, T.C. 1987. Physiology and genetics of tree growth response to moisture and temperature stress: An examination of the characteristics of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Tree Physiology 3(1): 41-61. 

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