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만대·가아·자운지구 비점오염 유출특성 분석 및 저감사업 평가
Characteristics of Non-point Pollution Runoff in Mandae, Gaa, and Jaun Districts and Evaluation of Reduction Projects 원문보기

한국농공학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers, v.64 no.1, 2022년, pp.65 - 77  

우수민 (EM Research Institution) ,  금동혁 (EM Research Institution) ,  홍은미 (Department of Environmental Sciences, Kangwon University) ,  임경재 (Department of Environmental Sciences, Kangwon University) ,  신민환 (EM Research Institution)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Due to muddy water from the highland fields upstream of Soyangho Lake, the Mandae, Gaa, and Jawoon have been redesignated as NPS management areas. This study aims to evaluate the adequacy and supplementation points of the implementation plan by analyzing the operation status of muddy water generatio...


표/그림 (19)

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문제 정의

  • 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 비점오염원관리지역이 재지정됨에 따라 2017년부터 2020년까지 수행한 강우시, 비강우시 모니터링 결과 및 2020년 수행한 소하천별 정밀조사를 바탕으로 2020년 수립된 시행계획의 추진에 효과적 비점오염저감 목표 달성을 위해 비점오염원관리지역별 현장조사를 통한 흙탕물 발생을 분석하고, 현장조사를 통해 기 설치된 저감시설의 운영상태를 분석하여 시행계획의 적절성 및 보완점을 평가하는데 있다.
  • 본 연구는 소양호 유역 내 만대⋅가아⋅자운지구의 하천 모니터링 및 저감시설 조사를 통해 우심 소유역을 분석하고 비점오염 저감을 위해 추진되고 있는 소양호 상류 비점오염원관리지역 관리대책 시행계획의 적절성을 평가하였다
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Choi, Y. H., C. H. Won, J. Y. Seo, M. H. Shin, H. J. Yang, K. J. Lim, and J. D. Choi, 2009. Analysis and comparison about NPS of Plane Field and Alpine Field. Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 25(5): 682-688 (in Korean). 

  2. Choi, Y. H., D. Kum, J. Ryu, H. Jung, Y. S. Kim, J. H. Jeon, K. S. Kim, and K. J. Lim, 2015. A study of total notrogen pollutant load through baseflow analysis at the watershed. Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 31(1): 55-66 (in Korean). doi:10.15681/KSWE.2015.31.1.55. 

  3. Gangwon Province(GP), 2010. Soyang lake nonpoint source pollution management implementation plan. (in Korean) 

  4. Gangwon Province(GP), 2020. Soyang lake(Mandae, Ga-a, Jawoon) nonpoint source pollution management implementation plan. (in Korean) 

  5. Hyun, G. W., S. B. Park, J. H. Park, S. H. Geon, J. W. Choi, K. S. Kim, and K. J. Lim, 2010. Desing of optimum volume of sediment settling pond at highland agricultural watershed using WEPP model. Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 52(5): 87-94 (in Korean). doi:10.5389/KSAE.2010.52.5.087. 

  6. Jeon, M. S., 2015. An institutional plan to manage in gangwon province that are vulnerable to nonpoint source pollution, 12. Research Institute for Gangwon(RIG). 

  7. Lee, J. Y., 2008. A hydrological analysis of current status of turbid water in Soyang River and its mitigation. The Journal of Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment 13(6): 85-92 (in Korean). 

  8. Ministry of Environment(ME), 2007. Soyang lake nonpoint source pollution management. (in Korean) 

  9. Ministry of Environment(ME), 2016. Soyang lake(Mandae, Ga-a, Jawoon) nonpoint source pollution management. (in Korean) 

  10. Wonju Regional Environmental Office(WREO), 2015. Monitoring and evaluation for the management of nonpoint pollution sources in Soyang Lake in 2015. (in Korean) 

  11. Wonju Regional Environmental Office(WREO), 2021. Monitoring and evaluation of nonpoint pollution sources in Lake Soyang and Lake Doam. (in Korean) 

  12. Yang, H. K., 2006, Runoff characteristics of non-pount source pollutants in storm event - Case study on the upstream and downstream of Kokseong river. The Journal of the Association of Korean Geograpers 41(4): 418-434 (in Korean). 

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