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교육과정 재구성을 위한 디지털교과서 기능 개선 방안 연구
The Improvement of Digital Textbook Functions Required for Curriculum Reorganization 원문보기

정보교육학회논문지 = Journal of the Korean Association of Information Education, v.26 no.1, 2022년, pp.23 - 34  

김홍선 (외궁초등학교) ,  정영식 (전주교육대학교 컴퓨터교육과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

교사가 학생 수준에 맞게 교육과정을 재구성하여 교과서를 자유롭게 재구성하여 학생들에게 배포할 수 있어야 한다. 그러나 현행 서책 교과서는 일부 내용을 수정하거나 편집하여 학생들에게 나눠주기 어렵고, 현행 디지털교과서 역시 단원 단위로 묶여 있어 교과 내용의 순서나 자료를 재구성할 수 없다. 또한, 외부 링크나 최신 자료를 업데이트하는 데 어려움이 있고, 용량 제한으로 다양한 멀티미디어 자료나, 고화질 실감형 콘텐츠를 담기가 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 교사들이 디지털교과서를 활용하여 학생들에게 수준별 맞춤학습을 제공할 수 있도록 교수·학습 및 평가 기능, 자료 검색 및 공유 기능, 학습 기록 및 분석 기능, 화면 출력 및 인쇄 기능을 제시하였다. 또한, 전문가 델파이 조사를 통해 영역별 세부 기능을 교사용과 학생용으로 구분하였다. 아울러, 디지털교과서를 다양한 교과로 확대하여 개발하고, 디지털교과서를 활용한 다양한 교수·학습 모형을 개발하여 보급할 것을 제안하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Teachers should be able to reorganize the curriculum according to the student level, reorganize textbooks freely, and distribute them to students. However, current paper-textbooks are difficult to modify or edit some contents and distribute them to students, also current digital textbooks are groupe...


참고문헌 (21)

  1. Cha, H.J., & Son, J.Y. (2019). A Study of Guidelines Development on Digital Textbooks for Students with Disabilities applying Universal Design for Learning, The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education, 22(2), 51-66. 

  2. Eduqus (2018). Teacher-level curriculum. Book Lab. 

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  4. Han, M.C. (2019). Perspectives and Understanding of Curriculum of Novice Teachers on Teacher-level Curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Integration, 13(3), 127-147. 

  5. Hong, H.J. (2018). An Easy-to-Understand Curriculum. Seoul: Hakjisa. 

  6. Jang, S.H. (2010). A Study on the Strategies for Improving the Accessibility of the Korea Digital Textbook based UDL guidelines. The Journal Of Korean Association Of Computer Education, 13(3), 65-75. 

  7. Jeong, Y.S. (2021). Analysis of Review Types of Digital Textbooks at the Development Phase, The Korean Association of Information Education Research Journal, 10(1), 181-188. 

  8. Jeong, Y.S., Cho, N.S., & Kim, Y.S. (2008). A study on Standardization of Digital Textbooks. Korea Educational Development Institute 

  9. Jeong, Y.S., Kim, S.H. (2021) Research on the Development of Elementary Innovation Curriculum (Community School-Subject). Jeollabuk-do Office of Education. 

  10. KERIS. (2013). Guidelines for Developing Digital Textbooks (version 1.5). Seoul: Korea Educational Resea18 ch Information Service. 

  11. KICE (2013). Exploring ways to develop digital textbooks linked to educational content, teaching and learning, and educational evaluation: Focusing on the case of English textbooks. 2013 KICE Issue Paper, ORM 2013-57-5. 

  12. Kim, H.S., Jeong, Y.S. (2021). Improving the Functions of Digital Textbooks to Prepare for the post COVID-19, The Korean Association of Information Education Research Journal, 12(2), 283-288. 

  13. Klaus Schwab (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond, Founder and Executive Chairman. World Economic Forum. 

  14. Korea Government (2020). A plan to spread AI and SW education across the country. 

  15. Lawshe, C.H. (1975). A quantitative approach to content validity. Personnel. 

  16. Lee, J.S., & Chun, S.J. (2019). Using Learning Management Systems for Self-directed Learning of Elementary School Students. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 23(2), 159-167. 

  17. Mariette Le Roux (2016). Rise of the Machines: Keep an eye on AI, experts warn. Phys.org. On-line available: https://phys.org/news/2016-03-machines-eye-ai-experts.html. 

  18. Ministry of Education (2015). 2015 revised curriculum overview commentary. 

  19. Ministry of Education (2020). White Paper on ICT in Eudcation Korea. Korea Educational Research and Information Service 

  20. Noh, S.S., Cho, S.M. (2007). A Case Study of School-Based Curriculum Development for Function Concept 7th Grade Mathematics. The Journal of Curriculum & Evaluation, 10(2). 77-102. 

  21. Seo, J.H., Sung, J.H., & Koo, Y.M. (2011). Analysis of G4 Science Digital Textbook according to Universal Design for Learning. Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 30(4), 442-458. 

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