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NTIS 바로가기The Research Journal of the Costume Culture = 복식문화연구, v.30 no.6, 2022년, pp.842 - 860
이민선 (건국대학교 글로컬캠퍼스 패션디자인학과) , 박해림 (건국대학교 글로컬캠퍼스 산업디자인학과) , 양호정 (건국대학교 글로컬캠퍼스 사회복지학과)
There has been growing attention on the well-being of people with disabilities. The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to investigate the associations between individuals' socio-demographic and psychological characteristics and clothing expenditure, and (2) to examine the moderated mediation eff...
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