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[국내논문] 스마트 하천관리를 위한 요소기술의 현황과 특성 분석
Analysis of Present Status and Characteristics of Elementary Technologies for Smart River Management 원문보기

한국방재안전학회논문집 = Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security, v.15 no.1, 2022년, pp.13 - 21  

엄태수 (인천대학교 안전공학과) ,  신은택 (인천대학교 안전공학과) ,  송창근 (인천대학교 안전공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

4차 산업혁명에 따라 수자원 관리분야에서도 수문관측 및 해석 등에 4차 산업혁명 핵심 기술을 도입하고 고도화하는데 많은 노력을 기울이고 있으나 하천관리 및 운영 분야는 상대적으로 기술 열세를 보이고 있는 실정이다. 하천에서 발생하는 현상해석과 운영을 위해 다양한 스마트 기술이 개발되고 있지만 이를 실무에 효과적으로 적용하기 위한 기술 개발이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 SOC 분야의 스마트 기술 현장화 수준과 하천관리를 위한 요소기술의 현황과 특성을 분석하여 스마트하천관리를 위한 핵심기술을 도출하고 미래기술의 추진 방향을 제시하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In accordance with the 4th Industrial Revolution, the water resource management field is also making efforts to introduce and advance the 4th industrial revolution core technologies to hydrological observation and interpretation sectors, but the river management and operation fields are relatively i...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Choi, J. H. and Suh, J. H. (2019). Exploring the 4th Industrial Revolution Technology from The Landscape Industry Perspective. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture. 47(2): 59-75. 

  2. Choi, W., Park, S., Choi.Y., Hong, S., Kim N., and Sohn, H. (2021). Creation of Actual CCTV Surveillance Map using Point Cloud Acquired by Mobile Mapping System. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing. 37(5-3): 1361-1371 

  3. Jang, B. and Jung, I. T. (2020) Development of Multi-Sensor based River Monitoring Technology for River FloodRisk surveillance. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society. 23(11): 1372-1382. 

  4. Jung, S., Lee, D., and Lee, K. (2018). Prediction of River Water Level Using Deep-Learning Open Library. J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig.18(1): 1-11. 

  5. KICT (2018). A Planing Study on Smart Road Management Integration System and Elementary Technology. Sejong: MSIT. 

  6. Kim, T. W., Shin, H. S., and Suh. Y.C. (2014). Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Availability to Estimate Inland Water Quality parameter. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing. 30(1): 61-73. 

  7. Kim, Y., Choi, C., Bae, Y., Kim, D., Kim, D., and Kim, H. S. (2018). Indicator Development and Evaluation of Storm and Flood Resilience Using Big Data Analysis: (1) Development of Resilience Indicators. J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig 18(4) : 97-107. 

  8. KISTEP (2020). Technology Level Evaaluation. Sejong: MSIT. 

  9. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. (2018). River rone Development Planning for Smart River Management. Sejong: MOLIT. 

  10. Shin, J. H., Seong, H. J., and Rhee, D. S. (2021). Introduction of Platform Development and Related Technology for River Monitoring Drones. The Magazine of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers. 69(1): 40-43. 

  11. Song, J., Kim, D.,Hwang, J., An, S., and Kim, J. (2021). Assessment of Backprojection-based FMCW-SAR Image Restoration by Multiple Implementation of Kalman Filter. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing. 37(5-3): 1349-1359. 

  12. Yi, J (2008). Development of Decision Support System for Flood Forecasting and Warning in Urban Stream. Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers. 28(6B):743-750. 

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