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한국 청소년의 스트레스와 구취의 관련성
Relationship between stress and halitosis in Korean adolescents 원문보기

JKSDH : Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene = 한국치위생학회지, v.22 no.2, 2022년, pp.125 - 132  

이은선 (한양여자대학교 치위생과) ,  도경이 (연세대학교 원주의과대학 예방의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between stress and halitosis in a representative sample of Korean adolescents. Methods: This study was based on the 15th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2019). The final participation rate in the survey was 95.3%; 57,303 out of ...


표/그림 (3)

참고문헌 (32)

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