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가정폭력의 실태 및 피해 가정 문제와 예방대책에 관한 연구
A Study on the Actual Situation of Domestic Violence and the Problems of Victims of Domestic Violence and Preventive Measures 원문보기

한국융합학회논문지 = Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, v.13 no.5, 2022년, pp.187 - 193  

배나래 (건양사이버대학교 사회복지학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

우리 사회에서 가정폭력은 학대 행위자와 학대 피해자가 한 공간에 공존하며, 학대가 재생산되는 가정 내에서 문제를 해결하지 못한 채 방치되고 있다. 특히 전통적인 대가족 중심적인 친족의 사회관계가 소원한 오늘날, 핵가족이라는 소외되고 고립된 환경 속에서 발생하는 가정폭력은 인권을 침해하고 짓밟는 범죄로 볼 수 있다. 가정폭력의 해결책도 가족적 지원망에만 해결하고 의존하기에는 가정폭력 피해자들이 겪어야 할 신체적, 정서적, 심리적 고통과 상처가 너무 깊다. 가정폭력 피해자들을 위해 이웃이나 지역사회에서 장기적이고 세심한 도움을 줄 수 있는 사례관리 서비스가 필요하다. 이를 위해 가정폭력은 예방과 치료가 함께 고려되어야 할것이며 지역사회의 관심과 역할도 뒤따라야 한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Domestic violence in our society is where the abuser and the abuser live in the same space. Problems are left unresolved in families where abuse is reproducing. Domestic violence can be viewed as a crime that violates and tramples human rights. They rely solely on family support networks for solutio...


참고문헌 (16)

  1. N. R. Bae & K. S. So. (2019). A Study on the Social Welfare Countermeasures against the Abuse of the Elderly. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 20(12), 333-339. DOI : 10.5762/KAIS.2019.20.12.333 

  2. N. R. Bae & K. S. So. (2019). Familism Values and Social Welfare Policy Implications of Young Adults'. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 20(3), 394-399. DOI : 10.5762/KAIS.2019.20.3.394 

  3. N. R. Bae & K. S. So. (2020). A Study on the Realities of Sexual Violence and the Measure for Social Welfare. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 21(2), 251-258. DOI : 10.5762/KAIS.2020.21.2.251. 

  4. G. A. Byeon. (2022.4.26.). Son killed by domestic violence father beaten. Newsis. https://newsis.com/view/?idNISX20220516_0001872644&cID10803&pID14000# 

  5. G. S. Hong. (2008). A Life History on the Childhood Experience of Domestic Violence The Effects of Children's and Fathers' Perceptions of the Fathering Practice on Children's Sociality. Journal of Korean Home Management Association, 26(3), 149-168. 

  6. M. R. Kim. (2020). A Study on the (im)Possibility of Receivingto Wife Violence. Women's Studies Review, 37(2), 3-42. DOI : 10.18341/wsr.2020.37.2.3 

  7. J. H. Sung. (2011). Die juristische Untersuchung uber die effektive Methode des Schutzes von Opfer der hauslichen Gewalt - In Bezug auf die polizeiliche vorlaufige Notmassnahme und die gerichtliche Schutzanordnung von Opfer. Zeitschrift der Koreanisch-Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Sozialwissenschaften, 21(3), 177-206. 

  8. M. H. Joo. (2006). Policing Domestic Violence in South Korea. Women's Studies, 71, 5-42. 

  9. J. M. Kim. (2006). A Study on the Institutional Improvement Policies for the Effective Intervention into the Domestic Violence-Focusing on the Police Officers's Crisis Intervention. Police Studies, 6(3), 9-35. 

  10. M. A. Kim. (2011). A study on clinical intervention plan according to psychological characteristics in adolescent victims of domestic violence - Centering around offspring of the offenders in Daegu area. Journal of regional studies, 19(3), 123-144. 

  11. J. Y. Kim, S. K. Choi & Y. K. Jung. (2008). Impact of Work-Family Conflict and Stress on Husband-to-Wife Violence - Focused on Male Violence Offenders -. Journal of Korean Home Management Association, 26(1), 121-135. 

  12. K. E. Lee & D. H. Jang. (2000). The effects of the family violence on the adolescents. Korean journal of youth studies, 7(1), 95-123. 

  13. I. S. Choi. (1999). Violence against women: Focusing on sexual violence and domestic violence. Law and Society, 16(1), 128-141. 

  14. K. S. Lee. (2006). Framing Analysis of Domestic Violence Reporting. Korean Journal of Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies, 20(1), 211-248. 

  15. I. K. Kim, Y. H. Shim & S. M. Park. (1991). A study on the actual situation and countermeasures of domestic violence. Criminal Policy Research Institute, 1991(1), 11-221. 

  16. H. S. Cho, I. S. Kim, H. R. Kim, & E. J. Shin. (2012). Family Welfare, Selul: Hagjisa. 

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