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[국내논문] Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial activities of a 70% ethanol-Symphyocladia linearis extract 원문보기

Fisheries and aquatic sciences, v.25 no.11, 2022년, pp.579 - 586  

Jeong Min Lee (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea) ,  Mi-Jin Yim (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea) ,  Hyun-Soo Kim (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea) ,  Seok-Chun Ko (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea) ,  Ji-Yul Kim (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea) ,  Gun-Woo Oh (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea) ,  Kyunghwa Baek (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea) ,  Dae-Sung Lee (National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Research on the potential biological activity of red alga Symphyocladia spp. has been limited to Symphyocladia latiuscula, which is widely used as a food ingredient in Korea. Here, we examined the biological activity of another species, Symphyocladia linearis, which is found in Korea and was reporte...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (26)

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