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구한말 사회변혁과 식량사정
The social changes and food situation in the late period of Joseon 원문보기

식품과학과 산업 = Food science and industry, v.55 no.2, 2022년, pp.203 - 217  

이철호 (고려대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The influence of the social changes on the food and nutritional status of Korean during the late period of Joseon Kingdom (1800-1910) was analysed by using old literatures and the records of the Westerners visited Korea during the period. The late period of Joseon can be designated the most poor and...


참고문헌 (25)

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  3. Carles WR. Life in Corea. Macmillan and Co., New York (1888) 

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  24. 이철호, 주용재, 안기옥, 류시생. 지난 일세기 동안의 한국인 식습관의 변화와 보건영양상태의 추이 분석. 한국식문화학회지, 33(4): 397-406 (1988) 

  25. 한국식품산업협회. 국민과 함께 걸어온 식품산업 반세기. 한국식품산업협회 50년사. 경성문화사 (2019) 

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