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부종을 주소로 하는 소양인 A형 간염 환자 치험 1례
A Case-Report of a Soyang Person Patient Diagnosed as Hepatitis type A with Edema 원문보기

JSCM : Journal of Sasang constitutional medicine, v.34 no.2, 2022년, pp.65 - 74  

김원영 (동서한방병원 사상체질의학과) ,  임은철 (동서한방병원 사상체질과) ,  오서혜 (동서한방병원 한방내과) ,  전성현 (동서한방병원 한방내과) ,  김동영 (동서한방병원 침구과) ,  이우주 (동서한방병원 침구과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective In this study, we report significant improvement of edema patient who was diagnosed with Soyang person chest bind syndrome/pattern based on Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Methods The patient was identified as Soyang person chest bind syndrome/pattern and treated with Hyeongbangjihwang-tan...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Kim SJ, Diagnosis and treatment of edema, Korean J Med. 2005;69(5):574-577(Korean) 

  2. Moon SH, A Study on the Relationship between Pathology and Pharmacology in Traditional Oriental Medicine and Sasang Constitutional Medicine in Edema, J Sasang Const Med. 1993;5(1):139-144. (Korean) 

  3. Shin MR, Kim SH, Kim DR, Case about cardiogenic general edema of Soeumin apoplexy patient, J Sasang Const Med. 2000;12(1):265-270. (Korean) 

  4. Hwang MW, Lee TG, Lim JH, Jung YJ, Kim SB, Lee SK, et al., A Case Study of Soyangin edematous patient diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy and treated Dojeokgangkitang, J Sasang Const Med. 2003;15(2):129-136. (Korean) 

  5. Bae NY, Ahn TW, A Clinical Study about Soyangin Edema Patient, J Sasang Const Med. 2005;17(3):163-171. (Korean) 

  6. Kim TH, Kim HH, Hong SI, Lim EC, A Clinic Study on Soyangin Lower Limb Edema Caused by Deep Vein Thrombosis, J Sasang Const Med. 2006;18(3):202-209. (Korean) 

  7. Jeong DW, Lee SY, Edema, Korean J Fam Med. 2010;31(11):829-836. (Korean) Doi: 10.4082/kjfm.2010.31.11.829 

  8. Hwang MW. Lecture of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. 1st Ed. Seoul: Koonja Publishing. 2012; 215-216.(Korean) 

  9. Cho HS, Principle and Prescription of Sasang Medicine, 1st ed. Seoul: Jipmoondang, 2005:141, 324-326. 

  10. Dept. Sasang constitution medicine of all the college of Korean medicine. Sasang constitution medicine. 2nd ed. Seoul: Jipmoondang. 2006: 598-600. 

  11. Ban DJ, Hong SY, Park SS, A Study on Indication and Application of Radix Euphorbiae Kansui., J Sasang Cons Med. 2009;21(3):17-29. (Korean) 

  12. Lee SW, Oh JK, Na HY, Ahn YM, Lee BC, Ahn SY. Retrospective Study for Safety of Xie-xia Fa (瀉下法) by Euphorbia kansui Radix : Analysis of Clinical Features, Liver and Kidney Functions. Journal of Internal Korean Medicine. 2014;35(4): 472-482. (Korean) 

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