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[국내논문] HPTLC를 이용한 폴리에스터 염색 원단의 알러지성 분산염료 정량분석에 관한 연구
A Study on the Quantitative Analysis of Allergenic Dispersed Dyes in Polyester Dyeing Fabric Using by HPTLC 원문보기

한국섬유공학회지 = Textile science and engineering, v.59 no.3, 2022년, pp.131 - 137  

강미영 (DYETEC연구원) ,  송선혜 (DYETEC연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, allergenic dispersed dyes Red1, Blue3, and Orange3 were dyeing at 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.5% o.w.f. concentrations on polyester fabrics, and the dyeing fabrics were extracted with Pyridine and analyzed quantitatively using HPTLC(high performance thin layer chromatography). The developing s...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. R. M. Christie, "Colour Chemisttry", Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2001. 

  2. An Dooms-Goossens, "Textile Dye Dermatitis", Contact Dermatitis, 1992, 27, 321-323. 

  3. S. Seidenari, B. M. Manzini, and P. Danese, "Contact Sensitization to Textile Dyes: Description of 100 Subjects", Contact Dermatitis, 1991, 24, 253-258. 

  4. W. L. Weaton and A. Bruckner, "Allergic Contact Dermatitis", Pediatr. Clin. N. Am., 2000, 47, 897-907. 

  5. K. L. Hatch, H. Moyschi, and H. I. Maibach, "Textile-dye and Colored-textile Allergic Contact Dermatitis", Exog. Dermatol., 2003, 2, 206-209. 

  6. K. Ryberg, A. Goossens, M. Isaksson, B. Gruvberger, E. Zimerson, F. Nilsson, J. Bjork, M. Hindsen, and M. Bruze, "Is Contact Allergy to Disperse Dyes and Related Substances Associated with Textile Dermatitis?", Br. J. Dermatol., 2009, 160, 107-115. 

  7. Y.-S. Shim, "Food Analysis Technique Using by HPTLC/MS", Bull. Food Technol., 2011, 24, 236-244. 

  8. J. Novakovie, "High-performance Thin-layer Chromatography for the Determination of Ranitidine Hydrochloride and Famotidine in Pharmaceuticals", J. Chromatography A, 1999, 846, 193-198. 

  9. L. G. LaLA, "HPTLC Determination of Diclofenac Sodium from Serum", J. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2002, 29, 539-544. 

  10. A. Shailesh, "Development of a Sensitive High-performance Thin-layer Chromatography Method for Estimation of Ranitidine in Urine and Its Application for Bioequivalence Decision for Ranitidine Tablet Formulations", J. Chromatography B, 2002, 767, 83-91. 

  11. B. Vandana, "HPTLC Determination of Nimesulide from Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms", J. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2001, 25, 685-688. 

  12. S. N. Makhija, "Stability Indicating HPTLC Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Pseudoephedrine and Cetirizine in Pharmaceutical Formulations", J. Phamaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2001, 25, 663-667. 

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