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성인애착과 친밀감에 대한 두려움 간의 관계: 자아분화와 자아 존중감의 매개효과
The Effect of Adult Attachment on the Fear of Intimacy: The Mediating Effect of Self-differentiation and Self-esteem 원문보기

Family and environment research : fer, v.60 no.3, 2022년, pp.459 - 470  

한혜림 (부산여성가족개발원) ,  이지민 (영남대학교 휴먼서비스학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study analyzed the relationship between adult attachment, self-differentiation, and self-esteem in solving the fear of intimacy in interpersonal relationships experienced by adults. This study targeted people in the 20s to 50s age group, and data from 1,263 participants were analyzed using SPSS...


참고문헌 (29)

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