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중심지 재생사업을 통한 농촌지역 청소년의 리더십 양성 - 일본 오이타 미에마치(三重町) 중심가로 재편계획을 사례로 -
Youth Leadership Training through Town Center Regeneration Project in Rural Area - Focused on the Reorganization Plan of Mie-machi Main Street, Oita - 원문보기

농촌계획 : 韓國農村計劃學會誌, v.28 no.3, 2022년, pp.35 - 47  

정재훈 (부산대학교 건축학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The study is to analyze the role of highschool youth group in a rural regeneration project. The process of youth group becoming subjective in resident participation plan was classified into isolation reduction, self-awareness, perspective-taking, subjectivity practice, and opinion expression. Isolat...


표/그림 (11)

참고문헌 (20)

  1. Woo, J.B. and Son, Y.H., 2014, Roles of NPO at Community-Building Project by Using Rural Vacant Houses, Journal of The Korean Society of Rural Planning, 20(4), 1-12. 

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  3. Takeda, H. and Kaga, A., 2014, Economic Value Analysis of the Bustle Creating Projects toward Utilization and Application of Street Space, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transaction of AIJ), 80(715), 2063-2070. 

  4. Takayama, K., Watanabe, Y., Chang, H.C. and Morimoto, A., 2020, Study on the Charateristics of Japanese Transit Origented Development as Seen form Long-term Land-use Changes, Transportation Research Procedia 48(2020), 2313-2328. 

  5. Sugita, S., Tanaka, M. and Doi, Y., 2017, Issue and Significances of Utilizing Public Spaces based on Local Initiatives, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 53(3), 652-659. 

  6. Puxley, S.T. and Chapin L.A., 2021, Building Youth Leadership Skills and Community Awareness: Engagement of Rural Youth with a Community-based Leadership Program, Journal of Community Psychology, 49(5), 1063-1078. 

  7. Kim, B.R. and Kang S.K., 2016, Resident's Participation Characteristics and Constraint Factors of Community Business in Isnland Area, The Journal of Korean Island, 28(1), 57-81. 

  8. Chae, S.M., 2020 A Study of Urban Renewal Projects in Metropolitan Seoul City on How They Affect the Community Consciousness of Residents, Dongguk University, Doctoral Thesis. 

  9. Lee, C.S. and Park, E.S., 2006, Investigating the Relationship between Leadership Skill and Organizational Commitment of Community Youth, Journal of The Korean Society of Rural Planning, 12(1), 49-58. 

  10. Jung, N.S., Choi, E.H. and Kim, Y.G., 2019, Effects of Debate Education on the Perception of Agricultural and Rural Values -Focused on the Adolescent, Journal of The Korean Society of Rural Planning, 25(3), 103-114. 

  11. Frank, K.I., 2006, The Potential of Youth Participating in Planning, Journal of Planning Literature, 20(4), 351-371. 

  12. Allen-Handy, A., Shawnna L.T. and Kenzo K. S., 2021, Urban Youth Scholars: Cultivating Critical Global Leadership Development through Youth-Led Justice-Oriented Research, The Urban Review, 53, 264-294. 

  13. Deguchi, A., Miura, U. and Nakano, T. 2017, Street Design Management and Public Space Utilization, Tokyo, Gakugei Publishing. 

  14. Shibata H., 2017, Design that revitalizes Local Cities, Tokyo, Gakugei Publishing. 

  15. Izumiyama, R., Nakajima, S. and Koizumi, H., 2017, Effort and Issues of "Kanda Police Street Bustling Pilot Program 2017" as "Participatory Pilot Program Method" in Public Space Utilization, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 53(3), 1223-1230. 

  16. Bungo-Ono Mirai-Cafe, 2017, Proposal for Basic Town Development around Miemachi Station, Oita, Web-publishing. 

  17. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, 2020, List of Public Notices 2020-1020, Tokyo, Web-publishing. 

  18. National Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Toursim, 2018, Casebook for Road Space Reorganization, Tokyo, National Research Institute Data No.1029. 

  19. Korea Employment Information Service, 2018, Research Report on Rural Extinction of Korea - Employment Trend Brief, Chungcheongbuk-do, Web-publishing. 

  20. Korea Employment Information Service, 2021, Data Report on Rural Extinction Ristk Index by Region, Chungcheongbuk-do, Web-publishing. 

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