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[국내논문] 표고(Lentinula edodes) 원목재배용 신품종 '흥화1호' 육성 및 재배 특성
Characteristics of Lentinula edodesCultivar 'Heunghwa 1ho' Newly Bred for Log Cultivation 원문보기

Journal of mushrooms = 한국버섯학회지, v.20 no.3, 2022년, pp.147 - 152  

장은경 (장흥군버섯산업연구원) ,  제선정 (장흥군버섯산업연구원) ,  장혜미 (장흥군버섯산업연구원) ,  반승언 (장흥군버섯산업연구원)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

표고 원목재배용 중저온성 품종을 육성하기 위해 자실체 발생온도가 낮은 모본균주를 Di-mon 교배한 후 실증시험에서 우수 계통을 최종 선발하여 '흥화1호'를 품종보호출원하였다. '흥화1호'의 버섯 발생온도는 13.3℃이며, 발생온도 범위는 6.4~20.2℃로 모본균주와 같은 중저온성 품종으로 확인되었다. 또한 최적 균사 생장온도는 25℃에서 61.9±2.10 mm를 생장해 모본균주보다 우수한 생장력을 보였다. '흥화1호'의 자실체 형태는 모본균주의 특성이 많이 유전되어 형태적으로는 유사한 경향을 보였지만, 갓 직경(57.8±8.31 mm)과 색깔(brown), 건조중(20.1 kg/m3)은 모본균주보다 더욱 향상되어 나타났다. 3년간의 생표고 생산성은 '흥화1호'가 113.8 kg/m3를 생산해 모본균주인 JMI 10047과 JMI 90021의 92.5 kg/m3, 66.4 kg/m3 보다 높게 나타났다. 또한 버섯 발생형은 봄·가을 집중발생형으로 나타났다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To develop mushroom varieties for cultivating at low temperature on oak logs, a strain with a low fruiting body generation temperature was crossed with Di-mon to select for a line with excellent properties. Selection was followed by cultivation testing. From these studies, Heunghwa 1ho was identifie...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (16)

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  2. Bak WC, Park YA, Lee BH, Ka KH, Park JH. 2013a. Research article: characteristics of newly bred shiitake strain 'Chunbaegko'. Kor J Mycol 41(1): 28. 

  3. Bak WC, Park YA, Lee BH, Ka KH. 2013b. Characteristics of newly bred Lentinula edodes strain 'Soohyangko'. J. Mushrooms 11(1): 9-14. 

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  5. Kim JH, Shin BE, Baek IS, Choi JI, Ha TM, Jung GH. 2015. Breeding of a new cultivar 'Dadam' for Lentinula edodes sawdust cultivation. J. Mushrooms 19(2): 96-102. 

  6. Kim JH, Kang YJ, Baek IS, Shin BE, Choi JI, Lee YS, Lee, YH, Jeoung YK, Lee YS, Chi JH, Jung GH. 2020. Characteristics of newly bred Lentinula edodes cultivar 'Hwadam' for sawdust cultivation. Kor J Mycol 48(2): 125-133. 

  7. Jeong SW, Jang EK, Jang HM, Ha NI, Choi SG, Ban SE. 2021. Selection of domestic shiitake strains suitable for the cultivation in Jangheung region. J Mushrooms 19(4): 347-352. 

  8. Kim JY, Lee GS, Lee CJ, Kim SH. 2017. Investigation of heavy metals, residual pesticides and nutrient component from agricultural by-products imported as medium substrates for mushroom cultivation. Kor J Environ Agric 36(3): 217-221. 

  9. Korea Forest Service. 2008. Study on the Characteristics of Different Crops for the Evaluation of New Varieties. 

  10. Korea Forest Service. 2020. Statistical yearbook for forestry. 

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  13. Moon JW, Lee CJ, Cheong JC, Kong WS, Kim KJ. 2015. Characteristic of a new variety Lentinula edodes, 'Nongjin-go'. J Mushrooms 13(3): 228-232. 

  14. Noh JH, Kim IY, Lee WH, Kim SC, Choi SG, Ko HG, Park HS, Koo CD. 2016. Breeding and characteristics of a lowtemperature variety oak mushroom (Lentinula edodes) 'Sanjo 708 ho'. J Mushrooms 14(4): 207-210. 

  15. Park WC, Yoon GH, Kang KH, Park H, Lee BH. 2008. Cultivation and pest control technology of Lentinula edodes. Research Data from the National Institute of Forest Science. 

  16. Park YA, Bak WC, Koo CD. 2015. Cultural characteristics of new variety Lentinula edodes, Poongnyunko on bed-log and sawdust substrate. Kor J Mycol 43(2): 104-111. 

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