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전산 구조 해석 기반 신발 바닥 청소기 상판의 경량화 가능성 검토 연구
A Feasibility Study on Weight Reduction of Shoe Sole Cleaner's Top Plate Based on FE Analysis 원문보기

한국기계가공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, v.21 no.9, 2022년, pp.110 - 116  

김서현 (한국폴리텍VII대학 메카트로닉스과) ,  유성재 (경상국립대학교 기계융합공학과) ,  문상준 (경상국립대학교 기계융합공학과) ,  김산 (경상국립대학교 기계융합공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As the spread of COVID-19 continues, cleanliness and quarantine are emphasized in daily life. If foreign substances enter through the shoe sole when using public facilities, cleanliness may deteriorate and various infections may occur. To prevent this, shoe sole cleaners that filter out foreign subs...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. Lee, Y. B., Lee, C. S., Kim, D. S., Kim, J. H., Jho, J. Y., Lee, S. S., "Fracture Behavior of Polycarbonate/Polyestercarbonate Blends," Polymer (Korea), Vol. 35, No. 6, PP. 537-542, 2011. 

  2. Callister, W. D., Rethwisch, D. G., Materials Science and Engineering, 9th, Sigmapress Seoul, pp. 890-923, 2015. 

  3. Go, S. M., Kwon, K. S., "Finite Element Analysis Method for Calculating the Impact Factor of Structures Under Impact Load", Journal of the KSMTE, Vol.30, No. 1, pp. 46-52, 2021. 

  4. Korea National Health Insurance Service, "2020 National Health Screening Statistical Yearbook", Korea National Health Insurance Service, pp. 645-647, 2021. 

  5. Elevator Safety Management Act Article, 11(3). 

  6. Kim, M. G., Kim, J. J., "Structural Safety Analysis of Electric Kickboard According to Shape of Connection Parts Using Finite Element Analysis," Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 65-70, 2021. 

  7. Ryu, J. M., Park, K. C., Kang, T. W., "A Study on the Structural Design for Safety Improvement of the Winch Mount of an Armored Recovery Vehicle," Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 58-62, 2017. 

  8. Kim, K. B., Lee, M. H., Kim, D. C., Cho, Y., "Finite Element Analysis Approach for the Stress of Digging Part of Garlic Harvesters," Journal of the Korean Soci ety of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 78-86, 2020. 

  9. Lee, B. Y., "Design Improvement of Front-End Loader for Tractor to Reduce Stress Concentration and Evaluation of Impact Safety," Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 109-119, 2018. 

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