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NTIS 바로가기지질공학 = The journal of engineering geology, v.33 no.4, 2023년, pp.611 - 626
김효건 (벽산엔지니어링(주) 지반사업팀) , 유시원 (벽산엔지니어링(주) 지반사업팀) , 배대석 (벽산엔지니어링(주) 지반사업팀) , 정수환 (벽산엔지니어링(주) 지반사업팀) , 김기수 (벽산엔지니어링(주) 지반사업팀) , 김준겸 (벽산엔지니어링(주) 지반사업팀) , 한만호 (한국원자력환경공단 고준위기술개발원) , 최정해 (경북대학교 지구과학교육과)
Overseas examples of the characterization stage of site selection proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency were reviewed to highlight the factors necessary for consideration in the deep disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Studies in Sweden, Finland, the USA, and Canada were considere...
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NWMO (Nuclear Waste Management Organization), 2023, Steps in the site selection process, Retrieved from https://www.nwmo.ca/Site-selection/Steps-in-the-site-selection-process.
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