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Effect of Continuous Biochar Use on Soil Chemical Properties and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Greenhouse Cultivation 원문보기

한국환경농학회지 = Korean journal of environmental agriculture, v.42 no.4, 2023년, pp.435 - 443  

박재혁 (순천대학교 일반대학원 농화학과 & 순천대학교 IT-Bio융합시스템전공) ,  김동욱 ((주)알에이치에코랩) ,  강세원 (순천대학교 일반대학원 농화학과 & 순천대학교 IT-Bio융합시스템전공) ,  조주식 (순천대학교 일반대학원 농화학과 & 순천대학교 IT-Bio융합시스템전공)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Global concern over climate change, driven by greenhouse gas emissions, has prompted widespread interest in sustainable solutions. In the agricultural sector, biochar has emerged as a focal point for mitigating these emissions. This study investigated the impact of continuous biochar application on ...


참고문헌 (30)

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