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[국내논문] SSD PCB Component Detection Using YOLOv5 Model 원문보기

Journal of information and communication convergence engineering, v.21 no.1, 2023년, pp.24 - 31  

Ziyu, Fang (Department of Computer Software Engineering, Silla University) ,  Pyeoungkee, Kim (Department of Computer Software Engineering, Silla University) ,  Xiaorui, Huang (Department of Computer Software Engineering, Silla University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The solid-state drive (SSD) possesses higher input and output speeds, more resistance to physical shock, and lower latency compared with regular hard disks; hence, it is an increasingly popular storage device. However, tiny components on an internal printed circuit board (PCB) hinder the manual dete...


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