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대학생의 개인적 가치관과 출산장려정책 인식이 출산의지에 미치는 영향
The effect of university students' personal values and fertility promotion policy perception on Childbearing willngness 원문보기

Journal of the convergence on culture technology : JCCT = 문화기술의 융합, v.9 no.2, 2023년, pp.83 - 90  

장현정 (가톨릭꽃동네대학교 간호학과) ,  이윤정 (가톨릭꽃동네대학교 간호학과)


본 연구는 대학생 대상으로 출산의지에 미치는 영향요인을 파악하여, 출산장려정책의 기초자료로 제공하고 교육자료를 구성하는데 기여하고자 시도되었다. 대학생 195명의 자료를 SPSS/WIN 22.0을 이용하여 다중회귀분석하였으며, 결혼관이 보수적일수록(r=.142, p<.05), 출산장려정책에 대한 인식도가 높을수록(r=.258, p<.01) 출산의지와 유의했다. 출산의지에 영향을 미치는 요인을 탐색한 결과, 결혼관 중 보수적 결혼관, 출산장려정책 중 청년일자리 대책, 일가정 양립지원 대책의 인식 정도가 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났으며, 이 변수들은 출산의지를 9.2% 설명하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was attempted to identify the effect of university students on their childbirth willingness, provide it as basic data for childbirth encouragement policies, and contribute to the composition of educational data. Multiple regression analysis of data from 195 university students using the S...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (26)

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  3. H.G. Kim, J.Y. Seo, "Factors impacting on the?marital and childbearing willingness among college?students," The Institute for Korean Culture, Vol.?52, pp. 175-206, 2012. 

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  5. Y.A Park, "(The) Study on the Effective Element of?Pregnancy Will," Doctoral dissertation, thesis in?Public Administration at Hansung University in?Seoul, 2013. 

  6. S.S. Lee, "A study on impact of the change in?values on marriage and fertility behaviors," Health?and Social Welfare Review , Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.?95-140, 2006. 

  7. T.H. Kim, "Personal value changes and low?fertility," Health and Welfare Policy Forum, Vol.?102, pp. 16-24, 2005. 

  8. I.S. Lee, "A Study on the Factors Affecting Low?Fertility and the Implication of Socal Welfare,"?Korean Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 57, pp.?67-90, 2005. 

  9. S.Y. Gong, "The Influence of Demographic and?Socioeconomic Characteristics on Fertility of?Married Women after the 1997 Economic Crisis,"?Health and Social Science, Vol 19, pp. 103-126,?2006. 

  10. J,W, Lee, "A Pathway Analysis on Determination?of Intention of Second Childbirth in Working?Women with a Child: Focused on Value Factors,"?Korean Association For Social Welfare Studies,?Vol. 40, No, 1, pp. 323-351, 2009. DOI : 10.16999/kasws.2009.40.1.323 

  11. J,W, Cho, "A Study on the Problems and?Improvement Tasks of the Framework Act On?Low Birth in an Aging Society," Journal of Law.?Vol. 32, No.1, pp. 11-42, 2021. 

  12. S,R, Hong, "A Study on the effect of Childbirth?Encouragement Policy on Childbirth: Focusing on?the Birthrate and the Will to Give Birth," Doctoral?dissertation, thesis in Public Administration at?Andong National University, 2016. 

  13. J.Y. Kim, Y.C. Kim, "A Study on the Effect of Marriage Values and Willingness to give birth of?Female University Students," Asia-pacific Journal?of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art,?Humanities, and Sociology(AJMAHS), Vol. 9, No.?12, pp. 1025-1039, 2019. DOI : 10.35873/ajmahs.2019.9.12.090 

  14. E.J. Kim, H.J. Chung., Y,J, Jeong, "Effects of the?Value on Children, the Motivation for Marriage, the?Relationship with Parents on the Will to Have a?Child: Multi-group Path Analysis by Gender,"?Journal of Families and Better Life, Vol. 40 No. 1,?pp. 27-39, 2022. DOI : 10.7466/JFBL.2022.40.1.27 

  15. E,H, Kang., M.Y. Kim, E.K. Byun, "Effect of?marriage consciousness, occupational consciousness,?gender equality consciousness on the childbirth?will of nursing students," The journal of?Convergence on Culture Technology (JCCT), Vol.?7, No. 3, pp. 7-17, 2021. 

  16. E,H, Kang, M.Y. Kim, "The Effect of Marriage,?Child Values, and Psychosocial Maturity on?Childbirth Will of Female College Students,"?Proceedings of the Korean Data Analysis Society,?July 23, pp. 193-197, 2021. 

  17. K.H. Shon, N.H. Kim, E.S. Lee, "The Study on the?Family Strengths, Idea of Marriage and Childbirth?Will of Nursing Students," Asia-pacific Journal of?Multimedia Services Convergent with Art,?Humanities, and Sociology(AJMAHS), Vol. 9, No.?1, pp. 719-728, 2019. 

  18. J,M, Park, N,Y, Shin, Y,M, Kim, S,Y, Kang, S,Y,?Kim, W,Y, Ahn, "Influence of Recognition on Low?Fertility and Views of Marriage on Childbirth Will?in University Students," Journal of the Korean?Society of Maternal and Child Health, Vol. 23, No.?4, pp. 261-268, 2019. DOI : 10.21896/jksmch.2019.23.4.261 

  19. I.S. Lee, "The Influence of the Intention of?Childbirth and Family Strengths on Marriage?Value of Nursing Students," Journal of the Korea?Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 23,?No. 3, pp.78-86, 2022. 

  20. C,S, Lee, "Effects of variables applied in the theory?of planned behavior and moderating effects of?marriage value and pro-natal policy perception on?birth intentions among college students," Doctoral?dissertation, Department of Public Health Graduate?School, Inje University, 2021. 

  21. H, U, Park.. "A Study on the Effects of Cognition?about Low Fertility on Childbirth Will", Master's?thesis, Graduate School of Governance?Sungkyunkwan University, 2013. 

  22. E,S, Jeong. "Impact of views on marriage and?tendency to delay marriage on childbearing?intention of single company employees," Master's?thesis, Department of Home Management,?Sookmyung Women's University. 2015. 

  23. Y.G. Jee, S.K. Yang, "Effects of Sexual Attitude,?Value of Children on Consciousness of Biomedical?Ethics in Nursing Students," Asia-pacific Journal?of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art,?Humanities, and Sociology. Vol. 9, No. 3,?pp.571-581, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.21742/AJMAHS.2019.03.54 

  24. K.J. Lee, E. Lee, Y.S. Park, "Comparison on?influencing factors on consciousness of biomedical?ethics in nursing students and general students,"?Journal of Digital Convergence. Vol. 14, No. 12,?pp.377-388, 2016. 

  25. J.H. Lee, J.B. Park, "The Effect of Non-regular and?Female Employment Rate on Total Fertility?Rate(TFR) in OECD Countries," The Journal of the?Convergence on Culture Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2,?pp. 15-23, 2020. 

  26. J,A, Kim, "College Students' Thoughts on Family?Participated delivery," International Journal of?Advanced Culture Technology, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.?39-46, 2021. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17703/IJACT.2021.9.2.39 

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