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[국내논문] 반응표면법을 이용한 광학미러용 일체형 유연힌지 마운트 최적설계
Optimal Design of the Monolithic Flexure Mount for Optical Mirror Using Response Surface Method 원문보기

韓國軍事科學技術學會誌 = Journal of the KIMST, v.26 no.3, 2023년, pp.205 - 213  

이경호 (국방과학연구소 지상무인체계단) ,  남병욱 (국방과학연구소 지상기술연구원) ,  남성식 (국방과학연구소 지상기술연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

An optimal design of a simple beam-shaped flexure hinge mount supporting an optical mirror is presented. An optical mirror assembly is an opto-mechanically coupled system as the optical and mechanical behaviors interact. This side-supporting mount is flexible in the radial direction and rigid for th...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. H. J. Kim, Y. D. Seo, S. K. Youn, S. H. Lee, D.?G. Lee and E. S. Lee, "Optimal Design of the?Flexure Mounts for Satellite Camera by Using?Design of Experiments," Transactions of Korean?Society of Mechanical Engineers A, Vol. 32, No. 8,?pp. 693-700, 2008. 

  2. K. R. Kim and Y. S. Lee, "Mount Design for?High-Resolution Mirrors," Journal of the Korea?Institute of Military Science and Technology, Vol.?17, No. 1, pp. 142-148, 2014. 

  3. E. S. Lee, H. S. Jang, D. J. Jeong, S. H. Lee and?H. S. Yang, "Opto-Mechanical Design of Large?Spaceborne Mirror Assembly," Proceedings of The?Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences?Conference, pp. 1033-1036, April, 2008. 

  4. Z. Zhang, X. Quan, H. Wang, T. Liu, Z. Xiong, X.?Yuan and Y. Rong, "Optomechanical Analysis of the?Flexure Mounting Configuration of Large-Aperture?Laser Transport Mirror," Optical Engineering, Vol.?56, No. 2, 025103, 2017. 

  5. K. S. Park, S. Y. Chang, E. S. Lee and S. K.?Youn, "Topology Optimization of the Primary Mirror?of a Multi-Spectral Camera," Transactions of Korean?Society of Mechanical Engineers A, Vol. 26, No. 6,?pp. 1194-1202, 2002. 

  6. F. Chen, J. Zhu, X. Du, R. Zhang and W. Zhang,?"Shape Preserving Topology Optimization for?Structural Radar Cross Section Control," Chinese?Journal of Aeronautics, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 198-210,?2022. 

  7. K. H. Lee, J. S. Lee, "Optimal Design of the?Flexure Mount for Optical Mirror Using Topology?Optimization Considering Thermal Stress Constraint,"?Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science?and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 561-571, 2022. 

  8. R. J. Noll, "Zernike Polynomials and Atmospheric?Turbulence," Journal of the Optical Society of?America, Vol. 66, pp. 207-211, 1978. 

  9. D. Landman, J. Simpson, R. Mariani, F. Ortiz and C.?Britcher, "Hybrid Design for Aircraft Wind-Tunnel?Testing Using Response Surface Methodologies,"?Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 1214-1221,?2007. 

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