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[국내논문] Metric based Performance Measurement of Software Development Methodologies from Traditional to DevOps Automation Culture

International journal of computer science and network security : IJCSNS, v.23 no.6, 2023년, pp.107 - 114  

Poonam Narang (Maharshi Dayanand University) ,  Pooja Mittal (Maharshi Dayanand University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Successful implementations of DevOps practices significantly improvise software efficiency, collaboration and security. Most of the organizations are adopting DevOps for faster and quality software delivery. DevOps brings development and operation teams together to overcome all kind of communication...


표/그림 (18)

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Poonam Narang, Pooja Mittal, Hybrid Model for Software?Development: an Integrated Comparison of DevOps Automation?Tools, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer?Science (IJEECE), IAES Publishers, ISSN 2502-4752, Scopus?indexed, SJR 2020 (Q3 0.241, (accepted for publication). 

  2. Pooja Mittal, Poonam Narang, Implementation of DevOps Hybrid?Model for Project Management and Deployment using Jenkins with?Plugins, Journal of Information and Communication Technology?(JICT), Scopus, ESCI, (Paper communicated). 

  3. Marta Gomes, Ruben Pereira, Miguel Silva, Jose Braga de?Vasconcelos, Alvaro Rocha, KPIs for Evaluation of DevOps Teams,?World CIST2022, Information systems and Technology, pp 142-156, LNNS, Vol 470. 

  4. Dr. Winston W. Royce at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/, Retrieved?May 20, 2022, 

  5. Georgios Papadopoulos, Moving from Traditional to Agile Software?Development Methodologies Also on Large, Distributed Projects,?Elsevier Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 175, Feb?2015, pp 455-463 

  6. Torgeir Dingsoyr, Nils Brede Moe, Tor Erlend Faegri and Eva?Amdahl Seim, Exploring Software Development at the very large-scale: a revelatory case study and research agenda for agile?method adaptation, SpringerLink Empirical Software Engineering?23, 490- 520 (2018). 

  7. Ashish Agrawal, Mohd, Auranzeb Atiq, L.S. Maurya, A Current?Study on the Limitation of Agile Methods in Industry Using Secure?Google Forms, Elsevier Procedia Computer Science, Vol 78,2016,?Pages 291-297 

  8. Alok Mishra, Ziadoon Otaiwi, DevOps and software quality: a?systematic mapping Elsevier Computer Science Review, Vol 38,?Nov 2020, 100308. 

  9. Debois P., (2008), Agile infrastructure and operations: how infragile is you? Agile 2008 Conference, IEEE, Toronto, ON,Canada,?ISBN: 978-0-7695-3321-6 

  10. Khan AA, Shameem M. Multicriteria decision-making taxonomy?for DevOps challenging factors using analytical hierarchy process. J?Softw-Evol Proc. 2020; 32(10):11-13, e2263. 

  11. Leite L, Rocha C, Kon F, Milojicic D, Meirelles P. (2019), A survey?of DevOps concepts and challenge, ACM Computing Surveys?(CSUR). 2019; 52(6):1-35 

  12. Trihinas D, Tryfonos A, Dikaiakos MD, Pallis G (2018). DevOps as?a service: pushing the boundaries of microservice adoption. IEEE?Internet Comput;22(3):65-71 

  13. Silva, M.A., Faustino, J.P., Pereira, R., da Silva, M.M.: Productivity?gains of DevOps adoption in an IT team: a case study (2018) 

  14. Stoneham, J., Thrasher, P., Potts, T., Mickman, H., DeArdo, C.,?Limonchelli, and T.A.: DevOps Case Studies: The Journey to?Positive Business Outcomes. IT Revolution Press. Portland 

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