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NTIS 바로가기천문학논총 = Publications of the Korean Astronomical Society, v.38 no.2, 2023년, pp.25 - 36
Minsun Kim (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) , Ryun Young Kwon (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) , Thiem Hoang (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) , Sungwook E. Hong (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Since interstellar objects like 1I/'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov originate from exoplanetary systems, even if we do not visit the exoplanetary systems, flyby, rendezvous, and sample return missions of interstellar objects can provide clues to solve the mysteries of cosmic life phenomena such as the origi...
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Garber, D., Friedman, L. D., Davoyan, A., Turyshev, S. G.,?Melamed, N., McVey, J., & Sheerin, T. F., 2022, A fast?response mission to rendezvous with an interstellar object,?Experimental Astronomy, 53, 945
Hein, A. M., Perakis, N., Eubanks, T. M., Hibberd, A.,?Crowl, A., Hayward, K., Kennedy, R. G., & Osborne,?R., 2019, Project Lyra: Sending a spacecraft to 1I/'Oumuamua (former A/2017 U1), the interstellar asteroid,?Acta Astronaut., 161, 552
Hein, A. M., Eubanks, T. M., Lingam, M., Hibberd, A., Fries,?D., Schneider, J., Kervella, P., Kennedy, R., Perakis, N., &?Dachwald, B., 2022, Interstellar Now! Missions to Explore?Nearby Interstellar Objects, Advances in Space Research,?69, 402
Hibberd, A., & Hein, A. M., 2020a, Project Lyra: Catching 1I/'Oumuamua - Using Laser Sailcraft in 2030,?arXiv:2006.03891
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Hibberd, A., & Hein, A. M., 2021, Project Lyra: Catching 1I/'Oumuamua-Using Nuclear Thermal Rockets, Acta Astronaut., 179, 594
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Turyshev, S. G., Shao, M., Alkalai, L., Aurora, N., Garber, D., Helvajian, H., Heinsheimer, T., Janson, S., Males,?J. R., Mawet, D., Nakagawa, R., Redfield, S., Shen, J.,?Strange, N., Swain, M. R., Toth, V. T., Willems, P. A.,?West, J. A., Weinstein-Weiss, S., & Zhou, H., 2018, Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet?with a Solar Gravity Lens Mission, NIAC Final Report on?Phase I Award, 2018 arXiv:1802.08421
Turyshev, S. G., Shao, M., Toth, V. T., Friedman, L. D., Alkalai, L., Mawet, D., Shen, J., Swain, M. R., Zhou, H., Helvajian, H., Heinsheimer, T., Janson, S., Leszczynski, Z.,?McVey, J., Garber, D., Davoyan, A., Redfield, S., & Males,?J. R., 2020a, Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy?of an Exoplanet with a Solar Gravity Lens Mission, NIAC?Final Report on Phase II Award, arXiv:2002.11871
Turyshev, S. G., Shao, M., Mawet, D., Swain, M. R., Helvajian, H., Heinsheimer, T., McVey, J., Garber, D., Davoyan,?A., Redfield, S., & Johnson, L., 2020b, Direct Multipixel?Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet with a Solar?Gravity Lens Mission, NIAC Phase III Award
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