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Development of an Algorithm for the Automatic Quantity Estimation of Wall Rebar 원문보기

한국건설관리학회논문집 = Korean journal of construction engineering and management, v.24 no.5, 2023년, pp.83 - 94  

Kim, Do-Yeong (Global R & PD Center Construction Project, SK bioscience) ,  Suh, Sangwook (Dept. Of architectural engineering Gachon university) ,  Kim, Sunkuk (Department of Architectural Engineering, Kyung-hee University) ,  Lwun Poe Khant (Department of Architectural Engineering, Kyung-hee University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order to devise a rebar usage optimization algorithm, it is necessary to calculate the exact rebar length and revise the arrangement of rebars into special lengths. However, the process of rearranging numerous rebars and manually calculating their quantities is time-consuming and requires signifi...


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