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[국내논문] ChatGPT가 한국 공학교육에 던지는 질문: 그 의미와 과제
ChatGPT's Questions for Korean Engineering Education: Implications and Challenges 원문보기

공학교육연구 = Journal of engineering education research, v.26 no.5, 2023년, pp.17 - 28  

정한별 (독립연구자) ,  한경희 (연세대학교 공학교육혁신센터)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Generative AI has arrived and it's here. Education, research, industry, and labor are all on edge about the changes it will bring. It is noteworthy that while there is a wide range of optimistic and pessimistic predictions about the impact of generative AI, there is more concern than hope when it co...


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