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국내 일부 채석장 작업자들의 분진 및 결정형 유리규산 노출평가 사례
Assessing Dust and Crystalline Silica Exposures among Workers in Some Quarries in Korea 원문보기

한국산업보건학회지 = Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, v.33 no.3, 2023년, pp.284 - 290  

차원석 (근로복지공단 직업환경연구원) ,  김은영 (근로복지공단 직업환경연구원) ,  최성원 (근로복지공단 직업환경연구원) ,  김미연 (근로복지공단 직업환경연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: Work environment assessments were conducted to investigate epidemiologically several cases of lung cancer and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) among workers in domestic quarries. Methods: We visited three quarries in South Korea where an epidemiological investigation was requ...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (13)

  1. American Conference of Governmental Industrial?hygienist(ACGIH). Threshold limit values for chemical?substances and physical agents and biological?exposure Indices. 2022. p. 55 

  2. Cho HS, Kim JS, Kim KK, Kang MH, Shon YK et al. .?Determination of Rock Cleavages Using AMS?(Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility): a Case Study?on the Geochang Granite Stone, Korea. Jour Petrol?Soc Korea 2015;24(3):209-231 (http://dx.doi.org/10.7854/JPSK.2015.24.3.209) 

  3. Cho SH, Kim WW, Shin IJ, Park JC. A Study on?Characteristics of the Spectrum of Building Materials?: Based on Granite. Journal of the Korean Solar Energy?Society 2011;31(4):150~155 

  4. Hong SS, Lee CB, Park DW, Yang DY, Kim JY et al. Geology?and Distribution of Crushed Aggregate Resources in?Korea. Econ Environ Geol 2004;37(5): 555-568 

  5. Kim HW, Phee YG, Roh YM, Won JI. Analysis of Quartz?Contents by XRD and FTIR in Respirable Dust from?Various Manufacturing Industries. Korean Ind. Hyg.?Assoc. J 1999;9(1):99-111 

  6. Kim KK, Jwa YJ, Hong SS, Lee KW. A Comparative Study?on the Whole Rock Magnetic Susceptibility and?SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Domestic?Dimension Stone and Chinese similar Dimension?Stone. Jour. Petrol. Soc. Korea 2015;24(3):273-289?(Http://dx.doi.org/10.7854/JPSK.2015.24.3.273) 

  7. Kim SH, Bae HJ, Jung JH, Phee YG. Particle Size-Related?Dust and Quartz Concentration of Stone Grinding?Operations. Journal of Korean Society of?Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2014;?24(4);462-470 (http://dx.doi.org/10.15269/JKSOEH.2014.24.4.462) 

  8. Lee CO, Hong SS, Lee BT, Kim KS, Yoon HS. Spatial?distribution of the dimension stone quarries in Korea.?Jour. Petrol. Soc. Korea 2006;15(3):36-48 

  9. Lee CS, Kang CW, Jung SO. A Study on the Physical?Characteristics of Building Stone Resources. J. of?Korean Society of Explosives & Blasting Engineering?2004;22(1):81-91 

  10. Ministry of Employment and Labor(MoEL). Exposure limits?for chemical substances and physical Agents(MoEL?Public Notice No. 2020-48).; 2020. p. 32 

  11. National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health?(NIOSH). NIOSH manual of analytical methods,?Particulates not otherwise regulated, TOTAL:?METHOD 0500, Issue 2, dated 15 August 1994;(3) 

  12. National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health?(NIOSH). NIOSH manual of analytical methods,?Particulates not otherwise regulated, RESPIRABLE:?METHOD 0600, Issue 3, dated 15 January 1998;(3) 

  13. National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health?(NIOSH). NIOSH manual of analytical methods, silica,?crystalline by IR: Method 7602, Issue 3, dated 15?March 2003;(3) 

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