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우리나라 공공도서관의 장서성과평가에 관한 연구
A Study on Collection Performance Evaluation of Public Libraries in Korea 원문보기

한국도서관 정보학회지 = Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, v.54 no.3, 2023년, pp.81 - 104  

이수상 (부산대학교 문헌정보학과) ,  이순영 (부산대학교 문헌정보학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

이 연구는 부산광역시 금정구 소재 3개 공공도서관을 사례로 하여, EBSM과 collectionHQ에서 제시하는 핵심성과 지표를 적용하여 장서성과평가를 시도한 사례연구이다. 장서의 성과를 중심으로 평가하는 장서성과평가에 집중하며, 개별 도서관 평가뿐만 아니라 평가결과에 나타난 도서관별 차이를 검토하였다. 연구에서 선정한 핵심성과지표는 누더기 아이템, 사망 아이템, 인기저자 공급, 인기주제 공급, 과잉재고 주제분야와 재고부족 주제분야이다. 주요한 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 누더기 아이템 평가에서 3개 도서관 모두 전체 아이템에서 누더기 아이템의 비율이 낮게 나타났다. 둘째, 사망 아이템의 경우, 3개 도서관 모두 높은 비율로 나타나, collectionHQ에서 제안한 기준값을 초과하였다. 셋째, 인기저자 상위 10명을 확인하였으며, 도서관마다 차이가 났다. 넷째, 인기주제 공급 평가에서는 3개 도서관 모두 기준값에 미치는 인기주제가 없는 것으로 나타나, 도서관별로 상위 10개의 인기주제를 식별하였다. 다섯째, 과잉재고 주제분야 평가에서는 금샘도서관은 과잉재고 주제분야가 하나도 없었지만, 금정도서관과 서동도서관에서는 다수의 주제분야가 과잉재고 상태인 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 재고부족 주제분야 평가에서는 금샘도서관에서만 재고부족 주제분야가 나타났다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study is a case study in which collection performance evaluation was attempted using key performance indicators presented by EBSM or collectionHQ, taking three public libraries located in Geumjeong-gu, Busan as examples. Focusing on the collection performance evaluation, which evaluates the per...


참고문헌 (25)

  1. Jeong, Dong-Youl & Oh, Ji-Eun (2015a). A study on the analysis of rate of use and?core collection for collection evaluation in public libraries: in the case of Gwangjin?District Public Library. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information?Science, 49(1), 201-221.? 

  2. Jeong, Dong-Youl & Oh, Ji-Eun (2015b). An exploratory study on collection evaluation?indicators for the collection development policy in public libraries. Journal of the?Korean Society for Information Management, 32(1), 43-62.? 

  3. Kim, Jooyoung et al. (2010). Library, Thinks the Basics: Public Library's Collection?Management Policies. Gyeonggi: Gyeonggi-do Cyber Library.? 

  4. Kwon, Nahyun et al. (2021). International trends in public library performance evaluation.?Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 55(2), 111-130.? 

  5. Lee, Jeeyeon (2009). Examining the collection management process in public libraries.?Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 43(3), 247-267.? 

  6. Lee, Soon-Young & Lee, Soosang (2021). A study on big data analysis of public library?in Busan: based on the library collection/circulation data. Journal of the Korean?Society for Library and Information Science, 55(4), 89-114.? 

  7. Lee, Soosang (2013). A study on the behaviors of complex system revealed in the sizes?of public libraries in Korea. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science?Society, 44(4), 399-419.? 

  8. National Library Statistics System (2023). Available:?https://www.libsta.go.kr/statistics/public/stat? 

  9. Park, Young Ae & Lee, Jae Yun (2010). A study on user-oriented evaluation of book?collections under a regional library system. Journal of the Korean Society for Library?and Information Science, 44(4), 457-477.? 

  10. Shim, Jiyoung (2021). Identifying information needs of public library users based on?circulation data: focusing on public libraries in Seoul. Journal of the Korean Society?for Information Management, 38(2), 173-199.? 

  11. Yoon, Hee-Yoon (2020). Collection Management (4th. ed). Seoul: Korean Library?Association.? 

  12. Yoon, Hee-Yoon & Kim, Il-Young (2011). Evaluation of the fiction collection of public?libraries based on use factor. Journal of Information Management, 42(4), 175-194. 

  13. ABOUT IQ. Available: https://www.libraryiq.com/about-libraryiq? 

  14. About Us. Available: https://www.collectionhq.com/about-us/? 

  15. Anwar, W. (2023). collectionHQ Concise User Guide. Available:?http://academy.collectionhq.com/user-guides/pdf/collectionHQ-Concise-User-Guide.pdf? 

  16. collectionHQ: Select, Manage and Promote your collection (2023). Available:?https://www.collectionhq.com/ebsm/? 

  17. EBSM 소개자료 (2023). Available:?https://www.collectionhq.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/cHQ_EBSM_Flyer.pdf? 

  18. Hicks, S. & Behary, R. (2020). Toward developing performance metrics for library?print-based specialized collections using available circulation data and ratio analysis.?Journal of Access Services, 17(4), 1-14.? 

  19. Hughes, M. (2016). A long-term study of collection use based on detailed library of congress?classification, a statistical tool for collection management decisions. Collection?Management, 41(3), 152-167.? 

  20. Knievel, J. et al. (2006). Use of circulation statistics and interlibrary loan data in collection?management. College & Research Libraries, 67(1), 35-48.? 

  21. Johnson, P. (2004). Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management. Chicaco: ALA.? 

  22. libraryIQ 소개 영상. Available: https://www.libraryiq.com/iqplatform? 

  23. Littman, J. & Connaway, L. (2004). A circulation analysis of print books and e-books?in an academic research library. Library Resources & Technical Services, 48(4),?256-262.? 

  24. MEET YOUR NEW OPERATIONS PLATFORM. Available:?https://www.libraryiq.com/iqplatform 

  25. The Methodology (2023). Available: https://www.collectionhq.com/ebsm/the-methodology/? 

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