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[국내논문] 컨설턴트 역량과 프로젝트 관리자 역량이 컨설팅 성과를 매개로 경영성과 간의 구조적 관계분석
Analyzing the impact of Consultant and Project Manager Competencies on Business Performance Mediated by Consulting Performance 원문보기

Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering = 한국산업경영시스템학회지, v.46 no.3, 2023년, pp.231 - 240  

이록 (경상국립대학교 공과대학 항공우주및소프트웨어공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This empirical analysis investigates the impact of consultant competency and project manager (PM) competency on business performance. Two hundred and twenty four chief executive officers and executive members at small and medium sized firms in the manufacturing sector were surveyed, yielding several...


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