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용수공급 변화에 따른 병렬저수지 용수공급 능력 해석
Analysis of Parallel Reservoir Water Supply Capacity According to Water Supply Changes 원문보기

Journal of environmental science international = 한국환경과학회지, v.32 no.10, 2023년, pp.675 - 684  

박재민 (경일대학교 스마트 인프라 대학 건축토목공학과) ,  박기범 (경일대학교 스마트 인프라 대학 건축토목공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the water supply reliability of the andong and Imha dam was analyzed using inflow data for 360 months from 1993 to 2022 through allocation model. First, in the analysis results of additional water supply to Deagu city, the water supply reliability of Rule (B) was the highest at 86% fo...


참고문헌 (18)

  1. Ahn, J. H., Lee, Y. M., Yi, J. E., 2016, Improving the water?yield capabilities using resevoir emergency storage and?water supply adjustment standard, J. Korea water?resources association, 49(12), 1027-1034.? 

  2. Cha, S. H., Jee, H. K., Lee, S. T., 2002, The analysis of?water supply capacity using reliability criteria-for the?Nakdong river basin- , J. Environ. sci. Int., 11(12),?1227-1233.? 

  3. Cha, S., H., Park, K. B., 2004, A Study on estimate of?evaluation indices of water supply capacity for?multipurpose dam, J. Environ. sci. Int., 13(3),?197-204.? 

  4. Choi, Y. J., Lee, E. K., Ji, J. W., Yi, J. E., 2020, Water yield?evaluation of a reservoir system based on a deficit?supply in the Han river basin, Journal of the Korean?Society of Civil Engineers, 40(5), 477-484.? 

  5. Jang, C. H., Kim, Y. O., 2016, Improvement of water?supply capability of the Nakdong river basin dams with?weirs, Journal of the Korean Society of Civil?Engineers, 36(4), 637-644.? 

  6. Kang, M. G., Park, S. W., 2005, Assesment of additional?water supply capacity using a reservoir optimal model,?J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc., 38(11), 937-946.? 

  7. Kim, Y. K., Choi, G. W., Ham, M. S., Kim, N. W., 2008, The?analysis of potential discharge by dam in Han river?basin at dry season, J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc.,?41(11), 1143-1152.? 

  8. Lee, D. H., Choi, C. W., Yu, M. S., Yi, J. E., 2012,?Reevalution of multi-purpose reservoir yield, J. Korea?Water Resour. Assoc., 45(4), 361-371.? 

  9. Lee, E. K., Lee, S. M., Ji, J. W., Yi, J. E., Jung, S. C., 2022,?Estimating water supply capacity of hwacheon?reservoir for multi-purpose utilization, J. Korea?Water Resour. Assoc., 55(6), 437-446.? 

  10. Lee, G. M., 2014, Water supply performance assesment of?multipurpose dams using sustainability index, J. Korea?Water Resour. Assoc., 47(5), 411-420.? 

  11. Lee, G. M., Yi, J. E., 2014, Analysis of problems of water?supply capacity determination in water resources?systems, J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc., 47(4),?331-342.? 

  12. Lee, G. M., Yi, J. E., 2012, Analysis of emergency water?supply effects of multipurpose dams using water?shortage index, J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc.,?45(11), 1143-1156.? 

  13. Lee, S. H., Kim, Y. O., 2002, Flood season reservoir?operations considering water supply objective, J.?Korea Water Resour. Assoc., 35(6), 639-649.? 

  14. Park, K. B., 2005, A Study of reliability index correlation analysis in reservoir water-supply, J. Environ. sci.?Int, 14(3), 289-296.? 

  15. Park, K. B., Jee, H. K., Lee, S. T., 2007, The capability?analysis of water supply for the parallel reservoir?system by allocation rules, J. Korean Soc. Water?Wastewater, 21(2), 215-224.? 

  16. Revelle, C. S., 1999, Optimizing reservoir resources?including a new model for reservoir reliability, John?willy & Sons Inc.? 

  17. Sung, J. Y., Kang, B. S., Kim, B. M., Noh, S. G., 2022,?Development and application of integrated indicators?for assessing the water resources performance of?multi-purpose and water supply dams, J. Korea Water?Resour. Assoc., 55(9), 687-700.? 

  18. Yu, J. S., Choi, S. J., Kwon, H. H., Kim, T. W., 2018, Future?water supply risk analysis using a joint drought?management index in nakdong river basin, J. Korea?Water Resour. Assoc., 51(S-1), 1117-1126. 

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