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동결견에 대한 한의학적 치료의 국내 연구동향 분석
An Analysis of Domestic Research Trends in the Korean Medicine Treatments for Frozen Shoulder 원문보기

Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation : JKMR = 한방재활의학과학회지, v.33 no.4, 2023년, pp.145 - 156  

김균도 (경희대학교 대학원 임상한의학과) ,  정원석 (경희대학교 대학원 임상한의학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives The purpose of this review is to analyze trends of domestic research in Korean medicine treatment for frozen shoulder. Methods Among the clinical papers published from January 1, 2000 to August 2023, papers that treated frozen shoulders with Korean medicine treatment were searched through...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (41)

  1. Quan GMY, Carr D, Schlicht S, Powell G, Choong?PFM. Lessons learnt from the painful shoulder; a case?series of malignant shoulder girldle tumours misdiagnosed as frozen shoulder. International Seminars in?Surgical Oncology. 2005;2:2. 

  2. The Korean Journal of Pain. Pain medicine. Koonja?Publishing Inc. 2007:22. 

  3. Neviaser JS. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. The?Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1945;27(2):211-22. 

  4. The Korean Orthopaedic Association. Orthopedics.?Newest Medicine Company. 2004:374-5. 

  5. Lho YM, Ha E, Cho CH, Song KS, Min BW, Bae KC,?Lee KJ, Hwang I, Park HB. Inflammatory cytokines are?overexpressed in the subacromial bursa of frozen shoulder.?Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2013;22(5):666-72. 

  6. Shaffer B, Tibone JE, Kerlan RK. Frozen shoulder, a?long-term follow-up. The Journal of Bone and Joint?Surgery. 1992;74(5):738-46. 

  7. Xiang G. Shang Ke Xue (traumatology study). The?Commercial Press. 1982:326. 

  8. Hebei Medical College. Compilation and interpretation?of Lingshu Jing, People's Medical Publishing House.?1982:221-36. 

  9. Lee HY, Lee BB. Literatual study on acupuncture treatment?of shoulder pain. The Journal of Korea Acupuncture?on Moxibustion Society. 1999;16(3):139-54. 

  10. Lee SC. Ultrasound guidance for intra-articular shoulder?injections for frozen shoulder. Clinical Pain. 2022;21(2):70-3. 

  11. Jo NY, Yeo IH, Jung SH, Sung HJ, Lee CG, Lee EY,?Roh JD. Effect of (shoulder traction) treatment on frozen shoulder during Korean medical treatment. Journal?of Acupuncture Research. 2014;31(2):111-8. 

  12. Jo NY, Roh JD. Effects of embedding therapy on frozen?shoulder: a prospective study. Journal of Korean?Medicine. 2015;36(4):1-7. 

  13. Son CH, Lim HJ, Lee WH, Jeong BJ, Han SH, Sung?SM, Moon SI. The effect of electroacupuncture therapy?with the shoulder pain of frozen shoulder patients analyzed by visual analogue scale. Journal of Acupuncture?Research. 2005;22(4):27-34. 

  14. Lee CK. Effect of oriental medicine public-health program on frozen shoulder patients. Journal of Acupuncture?Research. 2011;28(6):43-51. 

  15. Ko SH, Lee EJ. Effect of complex Korean medical treatment in patients with frozen shoulder: a retrospective?chart review. J Korean Med Rehabil. 2023;33(3):115-27. 

  16. Nam DW, Kim HB, Yang DH, Lim S, Kim KS, Lee?DI, Lee JD, Choi DY, Lee YH. Comparison research?of clinical effect of eastern and western medical treatment on frozen shoulder patients. Journal of Acupuncture?Research. 2006;23(5):105-13. 

  17. Kim DH, Kim HW, Lee GH, Lee GM. Effect of scolopendrid pharmacupuncture therapy on frozen shoulder?patients. Journal of Acupuncture Research. 2009;26(1):1-14. 

  18. Yun YH, Kim HJ, Lee EY, Kim HJ. Clinical study on?effect of Carthmi-Flos herbal acupuncture therapy on?frozen shoulder. Korea Journal of Oriental Medicine.?2004;7(1):63-75. 

  19. Nam DW, Jung IT, Kim JH, Park YS, Lim S, Lee DI,?Lee JD, Lee YH, Choi DY. Clinical observation of western medical treatment and acupuncture treatment on frozen shoulder patients. Journal of Acupuncture Research.?2006;23(5):177-85. 

  20. Nam DW, Lim S, Kim JI, Kim KS, Lee DI, Lee JD,?Lee YH, Choi DY. Clinical observation of acupuncture?and nerve block treatment for adhesive capsulitis?patients. Journal of Acupuncture Research. 2007;24(4):143-55. 

  21. Kweon OH, Han JT, Lee SY, Lee MH, Bae SS. The?effect of electro-acupuncture stimulation of Tiaoko(S38)-Chengsan(B57) on shoulder ROM with frozen shoulder?patient. J Korean Med Rehabil. 2008;18(3):81-90. 

  22. Kim KH, Lee RM, Nam DW, Kim JI, Lim SBN, Lee?DI, Choi DY, Lee YH, Lee JD. Clinical study: effect?of acupuncture on digital infrared thermographic imaging (DITI) in frozen shoulder patients. Journal of?Acupuncture Research. 2006;23(5):219-28. 

  23. Lee CH. Physical therapy. Jeongdam. 1997:417-20. 

  24. Choi SJ. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Journal?of the Korean Society of Radiology. 2021;82(6):1355-65. 

  25. Kim JS. Conservative management for capsular disease?focusing on intervention. Clinical Pain. 2012;11(1):5-9. 

  26. Pearsall AW, Speer KP. Frozen shoulder syndrome: diagnostic and treatment strategies in the primary care?setting. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 1998;30(4):S33-9. 

  27. Son SK, Kim JS, Kim SW, Yoo SB, Moon BH, Lee?CR. The domestic trends of traditional Korean medicine?treatments on frozen shoulder. The Journal of Korea?CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves.?2014;9(1):55-65. 

  28. Chung SH, Lee JS, Kim SS, Shin HD. Current tendency?for herb-medication of the frozen shoulder. Journal of?Korean Medicine. 1989;10(2):90-2. 

  29. Lee BR. Clinical studies on 35 cases of patient with?frozen shoulder by dong-shi acupuncture treatment.?Hyehwa Medicine. 1998;7(1):7-13. 

  30. Kim IS, Oh MS. A study on the exercise therapy of?frozen shoulder in east and west. Collection of Journals:?Daejeon University Korean Medicine Research Institute,?Korean Medicine Edition. 1998;6(2):679-94. 

  31. Lee YJ, Lee BR, Chae WS. Clinical review of frozen?shoulder. Journal of Acupuncture Research. 1990;7(1):57-63. 

  32. Jo HB, Lee GM. Clinical consideration of frozen shoulder for computerized infrared whole body photography.?Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society.?1999;16(4):387-94. 

  33. Won SH. Kwon GR. The literatural study about frozen?shoulder. Journal of Pharmacopuncture. 1999;2(1):27-38. 

  34. Byeon JY, An SG. The clinical study on the treatment?of frozen shoulder. Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine.?1997;3(1):279-87. 

  35. Park SY, Lee BR. A clinical observation for the patients?who are taken by frozen shoulder with the physical exercise problem. Journal of Acupuncture Research.?1999;16(1):17-25. 

  36. Meridians & Acupoints Compilation Committee of Korean Medical Colleges. Details of meridians & acupoints (volume 1). A guidebook for college students.?Jongryeonamu Publishing Co. 2016:162-3. 

  37. Meridians & Acupoints Compilation Committee of?Korean Medical Colleges. Details of meridians & acupoints (volume 2). A guidebook for college students.?Jongryeonamu Publishing Co. 2016:216-20, 225-6. 

  38. Kim KS. A clinical study on the treatment of acupuncture for scapular pain. Oriental Medicine. 1984;10(2):10-2. 

  39. Kwon KR, Lee KH, Pari WP. Experimental study on?anti-body effects of anti-BV on the bee venom herbal?acupuncture. Journal of Pharmacopuncture. 2005;8(1):21-30. 

  40. Kim LH, Moon BS, Yun JM. A clinical research study?of moxibustion on stroke patients. The Journal of?Korean Oriental Internal Medicine. 2011;32(3):361-70. 

  41. Shim SY, Park HJ, Lee JM, Lee HS. An overview of?pain measurements. The Korean Journal of Meridian &?Acupoint. 2007;24(2):77-97. 

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