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[국내논문] 콩의 종류와 건조 방법에 따른 비지 분말의 이화학적 특성
Physicochemical Properties of Soybean Curd Residue Powder by Different Soybean and Drying Methods 원문보기

韓國食生活文化學會誌 = Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture, v.38 no.5, 2023년, pp.356 - 364  

김은지 (순천대학교 생명산업과학대학 조리과학과) ,  정희남 (순천대학교 생명산업과학대학 조리과학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study compared the physicochemical properties of soybean curd residue and black soybean curd residue produced by hot air-drying and freeze-drying. Regardless of drying method, the crude protein, crude ash, crude fiber contents, pH, L, a, b color values and water soluble index were higher in soy...


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