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산림복원 평가지표를 활용한 산림 훼손지 우선복원대상지 발굴 - 강원도 지역을 대상으로 -
Identification of Priority Restoration Areas for Forest Damage Sites Using Forest Restoration Evaluation Indicators in Gangwon-Do 원문보기

環境復元綠化 = Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology, v.27 no.1, 2024년, pp.17 - 29  

박윤선 (한국산지보전협회 산지정책연구센터) ,  송정은 (한국산지보전협회 산지정책연구센터) ,  박천희 (한국산지보전협회 산지공간연구센터)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was conducted to select the restoration priority of forest damage sites in Gangwon Province. We first identified the status of damaged areas. We then selected restoration evaluation indicators through a literature review. We then set weights for these indicators through expert surveys. We...


표/그림 (9)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. NIFoS. 2023. Forest public function evaluation?results as of 2020 

  2. Lee SH.Le SH.Le SA and Choi JY. 2015.?Development of Evaluation Indicesfor Ecological?Restoration of Degraded Environments Near?DMZ in the Republic of Korea. Journal of the?Korean Society of Environmental Restoration?Technology, 18(1), 135-151. (in Korean) 

  3. Choi JY. Lee SH.Le SA.Ji SY and Lee SH. 2016.?Evaluation Method Development for Ecological?Restorations by Damaged Types. Journal of the?Korean Society of Environmental Restoration?Technology, 19(1), 121-133. (in Korean) 

  4. KFCA. 2016. Survey of the target site to establish a?forest restoration system. KFS 

  5. KFCA. 2019. Survey of deforestation areas and?restoration technology research by type I 

  6. MOE. 2014. LandCoverMap 

  7. KFS. 2020. Forest basic statistics 2020 

  8. Malczewski, J. 1999. Visualization in multicriteria?spatial decision support systems. Geomatica,?53(2): 139-147. 

  9. Orsi F.. Geneletti D. & Newton A. C. 2011. Towards?a common set of criteria and indicatorsto identify?forestrestoration priorities: An expert panel-based?approach. Ecological indicators, 11(2): 337-347. 

  10. Rajaonarivelo F. & Williams R. A. 2022. Remote?Sensing-Based Land Suitability Analysis for?Forest Restoration in Madagascar. Forests,?13(10): 1727. 

  11. Valente R. A.. Petean F. C. D. S. & Vettorazzi C. A. 2017. Multicriteria decision analysis for?prioritizing areasfor forestrestoration.Cerne, 23:?53-60. 

  12. Vogler K. C.. Ager A. A.. Day M. A..Jennings M. &?Bailey J. D. 2015. Prioritization of forest?restoration projects: tradeoffs between wildfire?protection, ecological restoration and economic?objectives. Forests, 6(12): 4403-4420. 

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