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[국내논문] 실험계획법을 통한 3.5인치 도광판의 두께 편차 최적화에 대한 연구
Development of a precision machining process for the outer cylinder of vacuum roll for film transfer

Design & manufacturing, v.18 no.2, 2024년, pp.41 - 50  

이효은 (단국대학교 기계공학과) ,  김종선 (한국생산기술연구원 디지털생산부문)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, experimental design methods were used to derive optimal process conditions for improving the thickness uniformity of a 0.40 mm, 3.5 inch light guide panel. Process mapping and expert group analysis were used to identify factors that influence the thickness of injection molded products...


참고문헌 (8)

  1. Rosato, D.V. and Rosato, M.G. "Injection Molding?Handbook", Springer Science & Business Media,?Berlin, Germany, 2012 

  2. Fernandes, C., Pontes, A.J., Viana, J.C. and?Gaspar-Cunha, "A. Modeling and optimization of?the injection-molding process: A review", Adv.?Polym. Technol. Vol. 37, pp. 429-449, 2018. 

  3. Lee, H. S. "A Study on the Injection Molding for?the Light Guide Plate of a Small Sized LCD (2):?Influences of Processing Conditions on the?Brightness", Trans. Mater. Process, Vol. 11, pp. 341-348, 2002. 

  4. Hong, S. K., Min, I. K., Kang, J. J., and Yoon, K.?H., "Numerical Prediction of Process Window for?Injection Compression Molding of 7-inch LGP",?Trans. Mater. Process, Vol. 20, pp. 5-10, 2011. 

  5. Kim, M. Y., Lee, J. H., and Yoon, K. H., "An?Experimental Study on Color Shift of?Injection-Molded Mobile LGP Depending on?Surface Micropattern", Polym., Vol. 12, pp. 1-14, 2020. 

  6. Yu, Y. T., Mun, S. M., Jun, S. Y., and Kim, K. A.,?"A Study on Injection Condition Optimization and?Deformation Improvement using Taguchi Design of?Experiments", Des. Manuf., Vol. 17, pp. 62-69, 2023 

  7. Lee, D. W, Kim, J. S., Lee, H. H., and Lee, S. H.,?"A study on CAE and injection molding of?automotive thick-walled light guide with?micro-optical patterns", Des. Manuf., Vol. 17, pp. 8-14, 2023 

  8. Chung, Y. B. and Kim, Y. S., "Comparison and?Application of Process Capability Indices", J. Soc.?Korea Ind. Syst. Eng., Vol. 30, pp. 182-189, 2007. 

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