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디지털 트윈 국제표준화 현황 및 전망
Digital Twin Standardization: Trends and Future Prospects

전자통신동향분석 = Electronics and telecommunications trends, v.39 no.3, 2024년, pp.79 - 86  

유상근 (융합표준연구실) ,  선경재 (융합표준연구실) ,  김성혜 (융합표준연구실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Digital twins are gaining attention and traction across various industries and societies owing to their potential for technological advancement, utilization, and service innovation. Digital twins involve creating a software system that mirrors a real-world entity, enabling them to interact and coope...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (11)

  1. ISO 23247-1:2021, Digital twin framework for?manufacturing - Part 1: Overview and general?principles. 

  2. ISO 23247-2:2021, Digital twin framework for?manufacturing - Part 2: Reference architecture. 

  3. ISO 23247-3:2021, Digital twin framework for?manufacturing - Part 3: Digital representation of?manufacturing elements. 

  4. ISO 23247-4:2021, Digital twin framework for?manufacturing - Part 4: Information exchange. 

  5. ISO/AWI 23247-5, Digital twin framework for?manufacturing - Part 5: Digital thread for digital twin. 

  6. ISO/AWI 23247-6, Digital twin framework for?manufacturing - Part 6: Digital twin composition. 

  7. ISO/TR/WD 23247-100, Digital twin framework for?manufacturing - Part 100: Technical Report - Use?case on management of semiconductor ingot growth?process: Overview and general principles. 

  8. ISO/IEC TR 30172:2023, Digital twin - Use case. 

  9. ISO/IEC 30173:2023, Digital twin - Concepts and?terminology. 

  10. ISO/IEC/CD 30186, Digital twin - Maturity model and?guidance for a maturity assessment. 

  11. ISO/IEC/WD 30188, Digital twin - Reference?architecture. 

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